CONSCIENCE (συνείδησις, G5287, to understand or become aware, to see completely, referring to... Cosmogony COSMOGONY kŏz mŏg’ ə nĕ, a term composed of Gr. κόσμος, G3180, world, universe, and γόνο...
Breadcrumbs pythonTextExamples / Latest commit History History File metadata and controls 1 lines (1 loc) · 101 KB Raw 1 a aaron aaronites aarons abaddon abagtha abana abarim abase abased abasing abated abba abda abdeel abdi abdiel abdon abednego abel abelbethmaachah abelmaim abelmeholah abe...
COMMUNION,Paul’s term describing the nature of the Lord’s Supper is the term used by many church groups, referring to theirCELEBRATIONof Jesus’ final memorial supper with His disciples. Paul used the Greek term“Koinonia”to express the basic meaning of the Christian faith, a sharing in th...
I still know people who live within this bizarre world view, in which world events are viewed through a particular, modern, Capitalist and elitist interpretation of scripture. In some ways this is the first and ultimate of conspiracy theories- ground zero. All the ingredients are there- the sp...
Is science really the source of all knowledge? The evidence points to design and a Designer The good creation The First and Last Adam Did God really use suffering and death to create? Did Adam and Eve know what they were doing? The Tree of Life God is Love Disobedience damages our relati...
But the one who gathers by labor increases it. Proverbs 20:23 Verse Concepts Differing weights are an abomination to the Lord,And a false scale is not good. Luke 16:10 Verse Concepts “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is un...
The habitual large-scale violence inflicted on humanity in the name of God must no longer be neglected. If the sabbath is something bad, it is absolutely right to abolish it. Intellectuals in developed countries must begin the abolition of bad laws and customs, and persuade other developing cou...
a hard time detailing the words of Revelation, many of us both within and without the faith community will have no trouble recalling the images of the book. God on the throne, the four horsemen, the scroll being opened, the judgments poured out, the dragon, the two witnesses, Jesus ...
These are the words, probably, of a believer in Jehovah who was a stranger in a foreign land. Among the sworn foes of Israel and her faith, we have in him an example of Puritan rectitude, of unflinching fidelity to conscience, that is highly instructive. The purity of God's eternal tru...