《钦定本HOLYBIBLE》译者认为,即使最糟糕的英译本“也包含了GOD之言,不,就是GOD之言”,[31]普世truth并非祭司和贵族的专利,也能被语言各异的普通人领受。 对民族语译者而言,要真正让普通人接触和阅读HOLYBIBLE,必须使用贩夫走卒能接受的朴素语言。威克里夫坚持为买不起译本的农民和工匠译经,伊拉斯漠的NEWTESTAME...
与此不同,威克里夫不否认HOLYBIBLE有寓言义,甚至指出《创世纪》第一首诗有三层隐喻义、六层道德义和两层神秘义,[10]但他和追随者坚持精神义以字面义为基础,希望通过其译本使HOLYBIBLE的truth透明可及。廷代尔(William Tyndale,1494?~1536)在《利未记》序言中则宣称,对HOLYBIBLE的寓言阐释是滥用经院Theology,严重模糊...
(转)惟独HOLYBIBLE truth能够解决人类的根本问题 引言:虽然每个人类个体都是独一无二的,各自有不同的性情、脾气、志趣、需求,然而就本质而言所有人都是一致性的。都源自一个始祖;都按GOD形象被造;都从始祖继承了同一罪性;都有着永恒本质,都渴望永生、truth、爱、圣洁;然而却又都落在了GOD的忿怒中,当归入永死。
The Holy Spirit being given to theChristian, as thespringin him of life in Christ, he is exhorted to pray with the spirit, sing with the spirit, walk in the Spirit, so that in some cases it is difficult to distinguish between the Spirit of God and the Christian’s spirit. ...
Pause for thought In writing this account of the outworking of Christ’s grace in my life, The Holy Spirit has brought to my recollection so vividly the things God has done. It’s like the Lord has been doing something fresh in my life! Am I being called to serve the Lord afresh in...
We are to worship God the Father in spirit and truth. The woman at the well did not know what she worshipped. But Jesus revealed it to her. The message to “Fear God…worship Him” refers us to “the Father”. Who is Jesus? What is to be our confession re...
Holy Bible Old Testament Genesis 1-50 Exodus 1-40 Leviticus 1-27 Numbers 1-36 Deuteronomy 1-34 Joshua 1-24 Judges 1-21 Ruth 1-4 1 Samuel 1-31 2 Samuel 1-24 1 Kings 1-22 2 Kings 1-25 1 Chronicles 1-29 2 Chronicles 1-36...
Holy Spirit or Hand of the Lord. A comprehensive Holy Spirit baptism Bible study and Christian teaching on the Holy Spirit is just one of many biblical teachings and Bible studies which can be found at Christ-Centered Mall.
The focus on truth is a vital aspect of the Christian faith, encompassing the nature of God, the life of the believer, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the proclamation of the Gospel. As followers of Christ, believers are called to live in truth, guided by the Spirit, and to stand ...
Our church is a Christ-centered church believing that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and truly God and truly Man in one person. We believe the salvation of our souls is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone ...