The God of war To glorify, or even elevate, evil above where it lies is doctrinally unhealthy. Our focus is on the kingdom of heaven, not on the kingdom of darkness. Nevertheless, we should not dismiss the Devil as an allegory or metaphor as so many do. If a believer ignores the ...
Boyd, G., 1997, God at war: The Bible and spiritual conflict, Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL.Boyd, G 1997. God at War: The Bible and Spiritual Conflict. Downers Grove IL: Intervarsity Press. - 2000. God of the Possible: A Biblical introduction to the Open View of God. Grand...
In this bold and compelling work, Gregory Boyd undertakes to reframe the central issues of Christian theodicy. By Boyd's estimate, theologians still draw too heavily on Augustine's response to the problem of evil, attributing pain and suffering to the mysterious "good" purposes of God. According...
Child of Darkness, Child of Light UK Suzanne Godsalve (suzannejgodsalve at 3 issues? [#3,photo] 59 & 135 1995 & 97 Children of the Night horror ROJ article in [#3,1977-03?,58pp.] [#4,1984-01,46pp.] Children of the Sith T.R. Demaiffe 2-part novel 83 &...
2 The struggle with Spain was seen as God's struggle and from that conviction the Calvinists derived the strength necessary to wage war against a world power. The Bible, especially the Old Testament, was a source of inspiration to... ...
God Will Battle Jerusalem’s Enemies 14 Behold, a day is coming for the Lord when the spoils taken from you will be divided among you. 2 For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city will be taken, the houses plundered, the women raped, and half of the...
There is constant war between them Evil is constantly trying to destroy or harm or corrupt or use the good, innocent, and helpless The destruction of the innocent is evil (even though God can bring some good out of it) as he demonstrates by allowing defense to prevent, and by severely pu...
A topnotch site about God's Word, the Bible, and the history of ChristianityMenu Skip to content Home About – Betreft Intentions – Intenties Mijn exegese en hermeneutiek Mijn Geloof en de Wereld My Beliefs and the World My exegesis and hermeneutics Welcome -Welkom Wie of ...
making a force of Light, and an element of Thought; disseminated and indivisible, dissolving all save that point without length, breadth, or thickness, The MYSELF; reducing everything to the Soul-atom; making everything blossom into God; entangling all activities, from the highest to the lowes...
Praise be to the God of my strength, teaching my hands the use of the sword, and my "fingers" the art of fighting. Notes: If you are disturbed by the Ads below, you can turn off the device internet connection to disable the Ads. ...