True or False: Paul had a vison of a man calling him to come over to Carthage. False – it was a man from Macedonia True or False: God sent an earthquake to rescue Paul and Silas from prison in Philippi. A: True – but they didn’t escape but stayed in jail to share the good ...
Acts 16:16-40: Paul and Silas in Prison Daniel 6:10-23: Daniel in the Lions’ Den Tired Tiredness or exhaustion is a common feeling that children may experience after a long day of activities or when they’re feeling physically or emotionally drained. It’s like a heavy blanket weighing...
Paul and Silas in Thessalonica - ·Paul and Silas [They] traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia and came to Thessalonica [a city on the Via
Timothy Joins Paul and Silas - Paul came also to Derbe and to Lystra. A disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a
Who went with Paul on his first missionary journey? Paul and Silas were imprisoned during the second missionary journey, but in what city did this happen? During Paul’s third missionary journey, roughly for how long did he minister in the school of Tyrannus at Ephesus?
Thinking the prisoners had escaped, the jailer drew his sword to kill himself, but Paul prevented the suicide, and the jailer—realizing this was a moment of decision—asked Paul and Silas, “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:27-30) How Does the Bible Shed Light? There are ...
doi:10.1111/j.1467-9418.2010.00623.xPaul Silas PetersonBlackwell Publishing LtdReviews in Religion & Theology
Paul and Silas in BereaActs 1710 来到比里亚弟兄们当夜立刻送保罗和西拉往比里亚去。二人到了,就进入犹太人的会堂。 11 这里的人,比帖撒罗尼迦人开明,热切接受主的道,天天考查圣经,要知道所听的是否与圣经相符。 12 结果他们中间有很多人信了,也有高贵的希腊妇女,男的也不少。 13 但帖撒罗尼迦的犹太人,知道...
doi:10.1111/j.1467-9418.2010.00623.xPeterson, Paul SilasO'Day, Gail RPetersen, David LReviews in Religion & Theology
Now after [Paul and Silas] had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews. And Paul