Or He may even hit you in the head with a 2" x 4" board, in order to get the jackass finally moving in the right direction. That usually happens only when you are a really sinful unbeliever or "a lazy and worthless servant." You really need to start giving Him your full attention!
Click the picture below to open the TAMIL booklet printing-pattern in a new window and then print on paper from the PDF file! You can print your own English booklets of S26T1 & S26T2 & S28T1 too, on letter-size paper using
all the relevant Bible quotes in the JAPANESE language (for Japan), and for a lot of Japanese people now living in other nations too. These can be used in conjunction with all 3 of our 3 main display-tracts... as they are shown here and elsewhere, in so many places on the internet....
(5 in Tamil language, 1 in Malayalam language, 3 in English are slideshows below) << Click the booklet's cover picture [above] to read this message, nowin India's TAMIL language!>> -- You can read theTAMIL translationof"The Temple Of Miraculous Fire"online, here and now! -- << C...
in a new window and then print on paper from the PDF file! You can print your own TAMIL booklets on letter-size paper using any printer that can do double-sided page printing! Maybe you can use the computer-attached printer that is already right there ...