The devil will have power to bring fire down from heaven in the site of man and will deceiving many by this = Ison.Dec 7 - See today's World news for more proof a Fake One week peace deal could also be unfolding World news page....
“Good news from heaven the angels bring, Glad tidings to the earth they sing: To us this day a child is given, To crown us with the joy of heaven.”– Martin Luther “So God throws open the door of this world—and enters as a baby. As the most vulnerable imaginable. Because He ...
16While he was still speaking, another messenger came and said, “The fire of God fell from the sky and burned up the sheep and the servants, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!” 17While he was still speaking, another messenger came and said, “The Chaldeans formed...
In the Bible, "saviors" save us from archists. The Jews rejected Jesus as their Savior, that is, as their Messiah If you reject Jesus as your Theocratic King/Messiah/Christ/Archist, you have rejected Him as your "savior" (ticket to heaven). Jesus has been saving the world for 2,000...
His eyes were like flames of fire, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on him that no one understood except himself. He wore a robe dipped in blood, and his title was the Word of God. The armies of heaven, dressed in the finest of pure white linen, followed him...
Occasionally, it’s even fire from heaven. No matter what, God is going to provide. In a world filled with so much need, may we always remember, that God will provide. Thanks be to God! Amen. Jesus and the Irish Goodbye July 28, 2024 / Leave a comment One of the key lessons ...
The end for most is the Lake of Fire, not Heaven. Events called the Rapture (or translation, or caught up), then the Tribulation, Armageddon, and the return of Jesus should be soon. The Bible warns “YOU” to be ready‐Mt 24:44, but indicates that only the “FEW” that obey God...
The end for most is the Lake of Fire, not Heaven. Events called the Rapture (or translation, or caught up), then the Tribulation, Armageddon, and the return of Jesus should be soon. The Bible warns “YOU” to be ready‐Mt 24:44, but indicates that only the “FEW” that obey God...
The Sun Of Heaven -- Light For All The World [Korean/English soon - Korean translation completed!] The Temple Of Miraculous Fire [English] [Korean/English soon - Korean translation completed!] The Rock That Is Higher Than All [English] The Journey To The East [English] Rethinking The...
The end for most is the Lake of Fire, not Heaven. Events called the Rapture (or translation, or caught up), then the Tribulation, Armageddon, and the return of Jesus should be soon. The Bible warns “YOU” to be ready‐Mt 24:44, but indicates that only the “FEW” that obey God...