In the New Testament Christ lived in the human family, but He taught that His true family are those who hear the words of God and put them into practice (Mt 12:46-50; Mk 3:31-35; Lk 8:19-21; 11:27s). No one who prefers father or mother, son ...
to the angel’s declaration about the Spirit’s role in the conception of this child (⇒ Luke 1:35). According to Luke, the virginal conception of Jesus takes place through the holy Spirit, the power of God, and therefore Jesus has a unique relationship to Yahweh: he is Son of God....
Bible quotes about love allow you to reflect on your relationship with your spouse and God—perfect for a wedding, anniversary, vow renewal, or any celebration.
no longer seen as having a Father-Son relationship (as in Vaticanus was copied from p75 or a manuscript similar to it in terms of age and reliability) but that they are now sibling texts (that they both descend from a common ancestor text). This changes things. Summary Conclusions This me...
In a well-balanced, spirit-filled relationship, both husband and wife will pray over important decisions and discuss things together, and then the husband will make the final decision as the leader of the home. The Bible also does not excuse a wife from submission when she has a husband tha...
Why Is it Important That God Is a Loving Father? Parents love their children, and they are responsible for their growth. Even in adulthood, you still have a relationship with your parents. God is love, and He will be a loving Father. He desires that we have a relationship with Him. It...
Preserve them in their living relationship with You. Or, by means of. Protect them from evil and the evil one by the power of Your name. John 17:12 That is, destined for; or, belonging to this destiny. John 17:15 Or, from evil. John 17:17 That is, make them holy; or, set ...
the son desired to eat their food because “no one was giving him anything” (Luke 15:16). At this point, in the eyes of a Jew (especially the Pharisees and Scribes), the son would have become the most defiled human being imaginable. He destroyed his relationship with God, his people...
Bathsheba's story is one of tragedy, power dynamics, and, ultimately, redemption. Background of Bathsheba Bathsheba is mentioned indirectly in the genealogy of Jesus: "David was the father of Solomon by the wife of Uriah." A title that emphasizes her relationship with her husband rather than ...
Most of the stories about families in the Bible focus on the relationship between fathers and sons. This is one of the reasons that I find the story of Laban to be a very special, important, and instructive one for fathers. In Genesis 29, we learn that Laban had two daughters, Leah an...