A tree grown from an ancient seed discovered in a cave in the Judean wilderness has produced resin that may be related to the “balm of Gilead.” The underlying journal article is here. Maamoun Abdulkarim and Jacques Seigne explain the challenges involved with the Temple of Bel at Palmyra fo...
so that a genealogical/ family tree can be drawn up to make sense of how the texts were transmitted. I will not get into how the CBGM works here, but that these dates
Clearing a rain forest to plant annuals is like stripping an animal first of its fur, then its skin. The land howls. Annual crops fly on a wing and a prayer. And even if you manage to get a harvest, why, you need roads to take it out! Take one trip overland here and you’ll ...
Make a Jesse tree, Christmas religious decorations, Jesus Christ, root of Jesse, Messiah, Christian crafts, Ornaments of Faith Chrismon Bells Christmas Crafts for Church sample-parables-1.pdf sample-parables-2.pdf Bible Lessons Plans Curriculum Sunday School Lessons Jesus Streams of Living ...
(Vine & Fig Tree does not endorse any political candidates.)The Biblical Doctrine of "Salvation"The Fall of ManMan's basic sin against God is the desire to "be as gods."Genesis 3 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day...
April 2024 update: a revision of the third volume (Job-Song of Songs) has been published (Amazon; pdf) along with a Spanish translation. Because of the need for biblical teaching on prophecy at this critical time, I would like to not only publish a written commentary, but also write ...
Introduction to Deuteronomy: God's Book of RemembrancePDF Deuteronomy 6:4-9 A Wholesome FamilyPDF Deuteronomy 18:15-18 A Prophet Like unto MosesPDF Deuteronomy 26:1-19 First-fruits of ThanksgivingPDF Deuteronomy 33:27 Where is God When I Need Him?PDF ...
He's also a brother to all the Christians who believe in Him and follow Him, because pagans who convert to the Christian faith become His brothers also and "are grafted in" as new branches on the tree of Judaism. Christians are a bit like "honorary Jews," because we are "grafted Jews...
Nebuchadnezzar’s Tree Dream – Daniel Chapter 4 - God Reveals Himself to an Evil, Pagan Emperor Lesson Notes on Daniel Chapter 4 Prepared in Word 2010 Format Download Notes...
Could inviting that friend to church and leading her to Jesus be a catalyst in her whole family being redeemed? Could thatprayer you pray for the inmate turn their lifearound and be the encouragement for them to study at seminary and become a renowned pastor who reaches millions?