Christian Facebook Cover Photos View All Facebook Cover Photos Bible Verse Topics View All Bible Verse Topics Bible Book Summaries Bible Book Summary The Book of James Introduction The Book of James is the twentieth book of the New Testament of the… ...
From a piercer via Facebook message February 2010: I love it! You put great focus on safety and quality of services- from the piercees' poin of view- which gives the professional piercer an idea of what else, besides a good technique, needs to be considered. What I especially like is...
TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestBloggerWordPress Bible Cover reveal for my new book. Posted onMarch 24, 2020 I am happy to show you all the cover for my forthcoming book,The Ark of the Covenant in its Egyptian Context: An Illustrated Journey.The release date is set for December 1, 2020. And...
Additionally, but less happily, my photos have been used extensively without permission on book and album covers, and in print media ads for music CDs, computer products, cars, laser tattoo removal(!) and more. A photo of me was sold to Getty Images on a falsified release. My picture has...
Facebook Print LinkedIn Email Reddit Tumblr Pinterest Pocket Telegram WhatsApp “The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge.”Proverbs 18:15 The headlined lingoes below are sowrong, they should hurt when spoken. Jews For Jesus (?) From ourWISDOM FOR TODAYseries ...
February 22, 2022byAshley at Frugal Coupon LivingFiled Under:Easter,Facebook,Instagram,Pinterest,Printable,Social Media 305shares Facebook X For a fun Easter activity for the kids, download this Resurrection Eggs printable with Bible verses about Christ’s resurrection. These Easter scripture cards te... Reply J Roger Gardy Thursday 4 April 2013 at 3.43pm ‘Don’t Bother Me’ on the Canadian Issue has a Glitch Vocal, by George, that’s not on the US Version… Reply Peter Kearney Monday 17 June 20...
Facebook Witnessing : As you can see in my drawing above, four disc-shaped UFO craft actually did periodically manifest from thin distorted air and haze or fog, at Fremont State Lakes this day in eastern Nebraska during the late 1970s. All three of us saw them…and they interrupted our ...
Note – the Bible in these photos is the Jubilee edition with thumb-index. It was recently acquired and has a damaged cover. I’m planning to have it rebound. When I do, I will be sure to post new photos. I also have this Bible as a Dugan. In this review I’m making many compa...
But unless your company is Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Tencent, or 12 other companies … even analyzing all your data perfectly will only tell you about 0.01% of the world. If you want to see beyond your company’s pinhole, you will need external data. Even five years...