As you study God’s Word, 122 women from the (in)courage community come alongside you with 312 devotions, sharing stories of how God’s story has changed their lives. Because of His grace, they have found beauty in the brokenness and hope in the hard. With each devotion, they sing the...
Discover the strength and courage that comes from trusting in God's power with these inspiring Bible verses about strength. Draw on the Lord's strength to face whatever comes your way. God's Provision, Most Popular Gain strength and focus through these motivational Bible verses. Trust in God...
她事先把香膏倒在我身上,为我的葬礼做准备。9我实话告诉你们:普天下只要是福音传到的地方,这女子的所作所为将被永远传颂纪念。” 犹大同意帮助耶稣的敌人 10十二使徒中的加略人犹大到祭司长那里,要把耶稣出卖给他们。11那些人听了犹大的话十分高兴,许诺给...
Studytopical verseson topics likefaith,discouragement,courage,angerandworry. You can contribute verses to these topics. Select and bookmark your favorite verses. Read Spurgeon'sdevotions366 days in a year. Create your ownbible reading plan.
唯一的救主 - 彼得和约翰向百姓讲道的时候,祭司、圣殿护卫长和撒都该人赶来了。 因为彼得和约翰宣讲借着耶稣死人可以复活,他们非常恼怒, 下令拘捕二人,因天色已晚,就把他们扣押了一夜。 但有许多听道的人信了,男人的数目约有五千人。
“…As usual, he entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up to read…”Jesus observed the Sabbath by going to church (the Synagogue). He went to the Synagogue to show His devotion to the Father and read/hear the Word of God. He came on this particular Sabbath to proclaim ...
Get inspirational, uplifting Bible verses and devotions – complete with stunning photos – delivered to your iPhone or iPad daily. “This Bible app is amazing.…
The 90 devotions cover the following topics: love, courage, hope, trust, faith, kindness, strength, and service. Two pages are devoted to each devotion which starts with a Bible quote (from the NIV Translation), goes on to share a story, connects the story back to the Bible, presents a...
Find Bible Studies from Cleere Cherry Reaves, (in)courage and more at DaySpring. DaySpring offers Bible Studies for men, women, small groups and churches. Shop now!
“The desert team showed exceptional courage, dedication and devotion to purpose, rappelling down to caves located between heaven and earth, digging and sifting through them, enduring thick and suffocating dust, and returning with gifts of immeasurable worth for mankind,” says IAA DirectorIsrael Has...