Coloring Pages that teach and explain the Lords Prayer Here is a cute series of pages that help teach and explain the Lords Prayer. Print the series and pass them around in Sunday School class as you explain and recite the Lords Prayer. Then let the class members choose one of the pictu...
The Minds of Today's Christians Free Online Christian Resources & Information - Resources for Christian Living - Bible Study Online Articles - Christian Quotes - Free Bible Coloring Pages for Teachers & Parents - Helping to provide an Christian online environment that is: informative, adventurous, f...
Cotton balls and rocks make great "touchy-feely" objects to explain kindness to others along with Ephesians 4:32 - "Be kind to one another." Forgiveness is a big concept, but when using a mirror, little ones can better understand how God can clean us, forgive us and make us like new ...
Sadness is more socially acceptable. It’s easier to talk about how hurt you are. If you express your anger, someone will likely frown and talk to you about forgiveness. They may even quote Ephesians 4:26 at you. But here’s what a close reading of that passage reveals: Sometimes anger...
Magnify Day 4- Nicodemus Helps Prepare Jesus' Body - Magnify God's Forgiveness - (John 3:1-21; 18-20; 1 Corinthians 15:6) Magnify Day 5- Jesus Taught about Worry - Magnify God's Faithfulness - (Matthew 6:25-34) -Don't Worry Cupcake Liner Bible Craft ...
A Bible Story AND a Special Quilt to Make The story of Jonah is a powerful way to teach children about sin, how God is a just God and punishes sin, and how He offers forgiveness... Nancy I. Sanders – Jonah, the Fearful Prophet ...
Bible Verses About The Importance of (Easter) The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ Luke 24:46-47 ESV (46) and (Jesus) said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, (47) and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be ...
Honor Paper Quilts - Coloring Sheets If you don't have material scraps for the above activity, you can have your children make paper quilts. This quilt includes five different designs including: Love, obedience, honesty, trust and forgiveness. ...