An evangelism resources site, Tracts 1 . com is a Christian tracts and Bible study ministry in which the Kenneth Street Tracts Ministry and others join together in the work of God's Earthward Outreach, going to local cities, foreign countries, and the fa
Tested values are b, bc, bcv, bv, c, cv, v, and none. In all cases, single-chapter books still respond as single-chapter books to allow treating strings like Obadiah 2 as Obad.1.2. zero_chapter_strategy: "error" error: zero chapters ("Matthew 0") are invalid. upgrade: zero chap...
Chapter 17 1 It is better to have a dry crust to eat in peace than to feast in a house that is filled with strife.2 A wise servant will rule over an unworthy son and will share the inheritance as one of the brothers.3 The crucible is for silver and the furnace is for gold, but...
求上帝赐福圣殿 - 上圣殿朝圣之诗。 耶和华啊, 求你顾念大卫和他所受的一切苦难。 他曾向你起誓, 向雅各的大能者许愿说: “我不为耶和华找到居所, 不为雅各的大能者找到安居之处, 必不进家门, 不沾床,不睡觉,不打盹。” 我们在...
The parishioners now depend on the world English BibleReading Plans to perform prayers at home. The individual small groups and those verses come as an world En…
Mark the essential verses in the My Library option as a note to see whenever we want. Festival Calendar defines the festivals and events on the appropriate date. Finally, the Tamil Speaking Bible App is explained to be part of a text-to-speech feature that reads the active Verses. Another...
-- Brigitte Gabriel, 1 paragraph from Chapter 1, on page 23 . . . The Lebanese civil war was not between the Lebanese; it was a holy war declared on the Christians by the Muslims of the Middle East. They started massacring the Christians in city after city. The Western media seldom...
It is an old political ploy used often by people who call themselves “leaders” but find their strength, not in character but in the popular polls. When it became impossible to trap Jesus, the leadership again engaged Him in debate, and chapter eight ended with leaders grabbing stones, ...
Tamil Bible 1860 Thomas Matthew Bible 1537 228 thoughts on “Download a Bible” VINOD NARAYANANsays: March 10, 2015 at 10:32 am Want read the bible for my knowldge. Reply Tom Garrisonsays: July 16, 2024 at 8:54 pm I’m interested in bibles which are based on the majority/received tex...