Church tradition has held thatJohn is the authorof the Gospel of John and four other books of the New Testament – the three Epistles of John and the Book of Revelation. Who was John the Gospel writer? John the Apostle, also calledSaint John the Evangelist or Saint John the Divine, (flo...
BibleThe first printing (1663) of the Bible in the American colonies; it was translated by Christian missionary John Eliot into Massachuset (also known as Wampanoag), an Algonquian language.(more) 2 of 2 Philip II; BibleA Bible (1569)—written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Latin—that ...
The Apostle John, also known as John the Beloved, is a central figure in the New Testament and one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. He is traditionally credited with the authorship of the Gospel of John, three Epistles (1 John, 2 John, and 3 John), and the Book of Revelation...
2. John the ApostleThe author of the Gospel of John, who presents Jesus as the Word made flesh.3. CreationThe context of the opening chapter of John, which parallels the creation account in Genesis, emphasizing Jesus' role in creation.4. LightA recurring theme in the Gospel of John, ...
There is of course a rich tradition of writing poetry in other Christian traditions-Hildegard of Bingen, Francis of Asisi,Teresa of Avila,John Donne,Christina Rossetti,Gerard Manley Hopkins,R.S. Thomas,Thomas Mertonto name but a few. However, most of us do not know the work of these wonder...
The Bible consists of multiple books written by multiple authors in multiple generations. Yet, the same theme is revealed throughout the Bible: God saves mankind from destruction due to sin by His Son and bring them to His Kingdom and have eternal life. The fact that the Bible consists of...
The author is John son of Zebedee (seeMk 1:19-20) -- the apostle and the author of the Gospel of John and Revelation (see Introductions to both books: Author). He was a fisherman, one of Jesus' inner circle (together with James and Peter), and "the disciple whom Jesus loved" (Jn...
first nine books of NT Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians Four requirements for a book to be included in the NT Apostolic, antiquity, Orthodoxy, inspired apostolic Written by an apostle or someone associated with an apostle ...
If you believe that what is written in the Bible is the Word of God, then you must believe what is written by the apostle Paul , who declared that what he reveals for us is what God had kept hidden until after His son ascended to His right hand. You must understand that what is be...
Why was the Gospel of Matthew written? Where did Paul write 2 Corinthians? In the Bible, where was Paul when he wrote Colossians? Why did John write the Book of Revelation? Where was Apostle Paul when he wrote 1 Corinthians? In the Bible, why was the Book of Hebrews written?