The Piercing Bible: I bought this book to get some information on body piercing and to hopefully answer some questions I had, and to know what to expect at the time of the appointment. This book does an exceptional job of explaining what the procedures are at the the time of the appointm...
The Crusaders built a Latin church on the ruins of the eastern gate. It is also dedicated to John the Baptist, and built over the traditional site of his tomb which was accessed by a flight of steps. Remains of the church can be seen near the mosque of the Arab village, which was bu...
THREE TAVERNS (Τρέῖς Ταβέρναι, Three Shops). The name is a mistranslation of the Lat... Tomb TOMB. A place of burial, which in the ancient Near E ranged from simple interment in the ground... Gift of Tongues TONGUES, GIFT OF (γ...
Jaffa is strategically located in the center of Israel, near the north-south Via Maris (“Way of the Sea”) – the ancient coastal road that connected the regions north of Israel (Mesopotamia, Asia minor and Syria) to the south (Egypt). The cities and roads during the Canaanite, Israelit...
How will you decide what book to invest time in? I pay attention to books recommended by others. Once, a student from Nigeria told me thatThe Idiotby Dostoevsky was one of the most influential books he ever read. That’s a compelling recommendation I thought, so I read it which led me...
the Sultan, etc., amounts to nothing, as any book on any subject can be imported by the British, French, German, or Austrian mails. Several times the Turkish censor, after ordering a certain book to be reshipped to England or America, has asked me to order that same book to be impo...
You can pick up Roman coins in most coin shops and have a piece of history in your home. I often wonder whether this coin was used during the Council of Nicaea. b) The "widow's mite". The Lepton and Prutah were the smallest value coin during the time of Jesus. They were a ...
so to get away from Waikiki we drove up to the north of the island to a beach where no one knew us. Then we flew to Tahiti, and at Papeete was waiting the sailing boat that we’d booked. We went to a couple of shops there, where John and I bought cool-looking, dark green...
me while they waited for a table to clear. While they sat near me talking about their day, my entrée and the bottle of wine arrived. The woman looked at my meal and blurted out, “…he got the special!” This immediately led to an argument between the two and the woman stormed ...