7但是他们没有孩子,因为伊利莎白不能生育,并且他们已经很老了。 8当轮到撒迦利亚分支在主的殿堂里供职时,撒迦利亚在上帝面前担任祭司的职务,9按照祭司们遵循的规矩,以抽签的方式,他被选中去主的大殿烧香。10当撒迦利亚烧香的时候,所有的人都聚集在外面祈祷着。...
An example of this can be seen by reading day 366 and 367 of this plan. Likewise, Amos gets placed around 2 Kings 14 and 15 which helps you understand the time period of what was going on in Israel and Judah when he prophesied (click here to read Amos and 2 Kings together). ...
BOOKMARK THIS SITE. In good times and bad—read your Bible daily. Bible knowledge: Did you know there are app 10,385 Bible prophecies. NONE have ever been wrong. Three Bible prophecies of these days are— violence, and public unrest, and diseases shall increase. Life's #1 decision: Will...
Before John's vision it was called the "day of wrath" (Zephaniah 1:15, Romans 2:5). Amos called it "the day of the Lord" (Amos 5:18), as did Jesus' own disciple, Peter (2 Peter 3:10). Paul, again and again, called it "the day of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians ...
Books of MosesGenesis|Exodus|Leviticus|Numbers|Deuteronomy Other early booksJoshua|Judges|Ruth|1&2 Samuel|1&2 Kings|1&2 Chronicles|Ezra|Nehemiah|Esther|Job Poetic booksPsalms|Proverbs|Ecclesiastes |Song of Solomon ProphetsIsaiah|Jeremiah|Lamentations|Ezekiel|Daniel|Hosea|Joel|Amos |Obadiah|Jonah|Micah|...
45.Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1 – Leupold 46.Exposition on the Book of Psalms – Augustine 47.Jeremiah – Smith 48.Old Groans and New Songs – Jennings 49.Philippian Studies – Moule 50.Song of Songs of Solomon – Guyon 51.The Epistle of James, Practically Explained – Neander ...
The new name to be applied to Israel in the time of... Ammon, Ammonites AMMON, AMMONITES ăm’ ən,— ə nīts (עַמֹּֽון, LXX Αμμων, υἱοί Αμμονιτῶν). 1. Name. According to ... Amos AMOS ā’ m...
Amos 5:14Seek good, and not evil, that you may live; and so the LORD, the God of hosts, will be with you, Obadiah 1:15For the day of the LORD is near upon all the nations. As you have done, it shall be done to you, your deeds shall return on your own head. ...
45.Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1 – Leupold 46.Exposition on the Book of Psalms – Augustine 47.Jeremiah – Smith 48.Old Groans and New Songs – Jennings 49.Philippian Studies – Moule 50.Song of Songs of Solomon – Guyon 51.The Epistle of James, Practically Explained – Neander ...
famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: and they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the Word of the Lord, and shall not find it–Amos 8:11....