使徒行传 10:1-23 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) 哥尼流邀请彼得 10在凯撒利亚有一位隶属意大利营的百夫长名叫哥尼流。2他和全家都是虔诚敬畏上帝的人,他慷慨周济穷人,常常祷告。3一天,大约下午三点,他在异象中清楚地看见一位上帝的天使进来呼唤他:“哥尼流!” ...
Chapter 10 And there was a certain man in Caesarea, named Cornelius, a centurion of that which is called the Italian band: 2 A religious man, and fearing God with all his house, giving much alms to the people and always praying to God. 3 This man saw in a vision manifestly, ...
Chapter 10 And there was a certain man in Caesarea, named Cornelius, a centurion of that which is called the Italian band: 2 A religious man, and fearing God with all his house, giving much alms to the people and always praying to God. 3 This man saw in a vision manifestly, ...
Acts 10 Commentary Chapter 10 Cornelius directed to send for Peter. (1-8) Peter's vision. (9-18) He goes to Cornelius. (19-33) His discourse to Cornelius. (34-43) The gifts of the Holy Spirit poured out. (44-48) Verses 1-8 Hitherto none had been baptized into the Christian ...
Read full chapter Footnotes Acts 10:1 Normally 600 men (the number varied); or battalion Acts 10:2 Or gifts of charityLegacy Standard Bible (LSB) Legacy Standard Bible Copyright ©2021 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc....
Acts 10 Commentary Chapter 10 Cornelius directed to send for Peter. (1-8) Peter's vision. (9-18) He goes to Cornelius. (19-33) His discourse to Cornelius. (34-43) The gifts of the Holy Spirit poured out. (44-48) Verses 1-8 Hitherto none had been baptized into the Christian ...
Acts 「 Act 」 Chapter: 1010 : 1 There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band, 10 : 2 A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway. 10 : 3 He ...
Luke 10:16 Luke 22:29-30 Acts 7:51-53 1 Corinthians 4:1 1 Corinthians 6:2-3 1 Timothy 3:14-15 Hebrews 13:17 1 John 4:2-6 2 John 9-ll Between A.D. 90–95, long after the descent of the Holy Spirit of God at Pentecost, the spread of Christianity, the destruction of the...
Chapter One True Blue New Proverbs A:1 “Does a man dare attempt to trick his own Creator? Assuming intellectual dominance over God Almighty? To do so is the epitome of folly and man’s maximum embrace of foolish false pride. Therefore avoid it by God’s perfect will.” ...
Acts 1:8You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you Acts 4:12Salvation is found in no one else Acts 17:11The Bereans were more noble than the Thessalonians Romans 1:16I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God ...