在DC,BIBIBOP Asian Grill是我常去的一家店,特别适合那些想要控制热量但又想吃饱的人。无论你是正在减肥,还是不知道晚餐吃什么,或者刚健完身需要补充能量,这家店都是不错的选择。如果你时间紧张,想要快速解决一顿饭,那也是非它莫属了!这家店类似于自助沙拉,但口味偏亚洲风味,整体偏清淡。你可以根据自己的喜好选...
Find out what works well at Bibibop from the people who know best. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance. Uncover why Bibibop is the best
Join BIBIBOP Rewards Today! EARN REWARDS Earn points with every purchase and turn them into Rewards. EXCLUSIVE PERKS Receive special news and offers as a mem…
Bibibop has great food, the rewards are really solid, but the app is pretty bad. It isn’t the most user friendly. Looking at your current order isn’t possible once it’s placed and you leave the initial order screen. You can’t cancel the order once it’s been placed and leave th...
Bibibop is a fun and fast paced restaurant Manager (在职员工) - University Heights, OH - 2021年11月2日 I do enjoy working with this company, the shifts are always enjoyable and I usually have a decent shift. Customers are tricky and having a fast paced work environment can be difficult...
I went to Bibibop with my colleges. The food here is not to bad, the freshness and the way they cooked it is great, but for me their food are not Asian. They tastes more like Asian-style Chipotle. If you are looking for cheap and fast food, Bibibop is a good choice. 和同事中午到...
bibibop 3月22日 09:40 来自iPhone X 每天早上被臭狗蹦哒醒带出去尿尿以后,回来后睡不着的我就像一个总统一样阅览热搜上的每个国家的疫情情况变化…今日总结:塞尔维亚是真兄弟 希望塞尔维亚度过难关 以后一定要去这个国家旅游 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转...
BIBIBOP Asian Grill 快餐简餐 休息中 明天10:30营业 1500 Polaris Pkwy, 哥伦布, OH 加载中用户点评 这里还没有点评~ 更多推荐 2024美食林精选榜 美食打卡世界 距餐厅555m Poke Bros. 4.5分¥119/人海鲜 距餐厅157m Molly Woo's Asian Bistro 4.5分¥101/人亚洲菜 深夜营业 距餐厅707m Marcella's ...
Travelers who viewed BIBIBOP Asian Grill also viewed Copper Canyon Grill 476 Reviews Silver Spring, Montgomery County La Malinche 178 Reviews Silver Spring, Montgomery County Mamma Lucia Restaurant 50 Reviews Silver Spring, Montgomery County Parkway Deli 603 Reviews Silver ...
X iP 子域名 备案 Whois www.bibibop.com服务器iP: 当前解析: 历史解析记录: 2022-12-22---2023-10-2823.185.0.2 2020-04-23---2020-07-3165.155.96.131 2019-08-18---2020-01-1666.11.25.118 最新域名查询 www.3865378.com www.3bizl3c.com www.yyss...