Ruifei Yu University College London 11th December 2011 Tutor: Y. Andreopoulos ABSTRACT This experiment is focused on the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) base biasing. There are three types of base current biasing. Constant base-current biasing is heavily related to the current gain while ...
Relying on two-dimensional numerical device simulations, several test structures have been designed and fabricated, including single BJT detectors and detector arrays with pnp biasing transistors connected in the current-mirror configuration. The electrical characterization of fabricated structures shows that ...
3. The example circuit shows two methods for controlling the LED current. Current can be set via a RSET resistor and varying the base voltage of an external PNP-type BJT with the DACx3204 output, or the LED current can be set using the current output mode of the DACx3204. a. To ...