Promoting a culture of psychological safety is key to reducing cognitive bias in the workplace. Fostering an environment of open communication enables your team to feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, experiences, and concerns. The more open and collaborative your work environment is, the better...
Simply put, we tend to like people that are like us. In addition to making performance reviews tricky, similar-to-me bias can make your workplace feel lessinclusiveand may even affect how diverse the overall makeup of the organization is. ...
In the workplace, employees might assume a bias against white males when they see that several women and minorities have been hired recently. They may see the last five or six hires as representative of the company’s policy, without looking at the last five to ten years of hires....
That is, A encounters evidence of a group of neurotypical women, raised in typical, often patriarchal families, who take on men- toring roles in the workplace, become teachers and caregivers, are mothers, but are relatively impoverished in empathy. In these optimal enabling conditions, women ...
This chapter explores certain tendencies within that body of victimology-based literature sometimes referred to as the “new research” and writing on the subject of incest and child sexual abuse.2 The group of professionals associated with these...
As we make observations, form opinions, and make judgments in the workplace—something every manager must do—we rely significantly on our perception. This is the process through which we take in and process information from our surroundings: what we see, hear, feel, etc. ...
The ability to appraise information and situations realistically, and to anticipate problems and difficulties, is vital in poker. To critically evaluate your playing decisions (“did I play that right?”) and those of others is common. These are also essential skills in the workplace— particularl...
SelectionSelectionLymphocyte activation by a specific antigen thus triggering clonal expansion of lymphocytes already capable of mounting an immune response to the antigen.B cells: Types and Functionsbias: bias caused by some preference in the way subjects are chosen that makes the study groups differen...
In fact, I'd prefer to not have it happen, although it's a reality of the workplace. Problems come up. And when they're complex, and then going to take a lot of time to work through, it's pretty cool if you can send those to people who really like to do the research and the...
For example, when recruiting in a field that has more men, algorithms may favor people who more closely resemble masculine stereotypes. This tendency, or "social norm bias," compounds existing patterns in the workplace. There may be a better approach for employers looking for technological fixes...