The article presents an analysis on the coverage of climate change by newspapers in Australia. It cites the study conducted by Robert Manne on the subject for seven years, which ended in April 2011. Based on Manne's...
Studying food-purchasing behaviors in Australia, Wheeler et al. (2019) found that SDB influenced responses regarding the purchase of organic food, increasing self-reported purchasing frequency. They found while accounting for SDB that respondents were motivated to purchase organic for non-selfish ...
Past research into the motivations underlying confirmation bias have primarily focused on participants’ preferences for news articles based on real-world issues5,6,9,12,34. While these studies provide valuable insight into the magnitude, extent, and individual variability of confirmation bias, there a...
doi:10.1080/07421222.2021.1990614Babajide OsatuyiPenn State Behrend, Erie, PennsylvaniaOfir TurelUniversity of Melbourne, VictoriaAustraliaRoutledgeJournal of Management Information Systems
7Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, QEII Medical Centre and Centre for Medical Research, the University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to C.J.B. (email: or W.W.W. (...
Sex differences in susceptibility and progression have been reported in numerous diseases. Female cells have two copies of the X chromosome with X-chromosome inactivation imparting mono-allelic gene silencing for dosage compensation. However, a subset of genes, named escapees, escape silencing and are...