For aluminum, which possesses a significant mass mismatch with the heavier atoms in the film, it is expected to be backscattered more significantly than the other elements. At −50V, more than 10% of all incoming Al ions would be backscattered, meaning that the deposited films would contain ...
Electric field and surface charge measurements are presented to understand the dynamics in the plasma–surface interaction of a plasma jet and a dielectric surface. The ITO coated backside of the dielectric allowed to impose a DC bias and thus compare th
Everything here is done from vision, meaning that the system has to deal with considerable uncertainty and high-dimensional inputs. This paper has some similar ideas to an influential paper from ICLR 2018: Semi-parametric Topological Memory for Navigation, which required a prior demonstration of ...
Then the least squares estimates often do not make sense when put into the context of the physics, chemistry, and engineering of the process which is generating the data. In such cases, one is forced to treat the estimated predicting function as a black box or to drop factors to destroy ...
Total and atom-based uncertainties are typically poorly calibrated47, meaning that they often underestimate actual errors. The underestimation of atomic force errors is particularly dangerous when dynamically generating candidate pools, as it may result in exploring unphysical configurations with extremely la...
abuse notation and If the write meaning is the latter clear from the context, we tend also as ρY B = y PY (y)|y y| to slightly ⊗ ρyB, i.e., Randomness Extraction Via δ-Biased Masking 469 understand ρyB as x PX|Y (x|y)ρxB. Throughout, we write ½ for the ...
meaning.Implied squares.In view of (1.5~) it seemsreasonablethat if one is a restraint on the possible values of ,6 that is not made moves away from the minimum sum of squarespoint, the explicit in the formulation of the generallinear model given movement should be in a direction which ...
followed by the highest occurrence rate among the species. Additionally, mature and precursor miRNA names were manually checked to attribute an accurate annotation. For novel miRNAs, random enumeration was applied and incorporated to the name, followed by “n”, meaning novel miRNA (e.g. mir-n02...
followed by the highest occurrence rate among the species. Additionally, mature and precursor miRNA names were manually checked to attribute an accurate annotation. For novel miRNAs, random enumeration was applied and incorporated to the name, followed by “n”, meaning novel miRNA (e.g. mir-n02...
The dimensionless thermal noise 𝜉̂(𝑡̂)ξ^(t^) is statistically equivalent to 𝜉(𝑡)ξ(t), meaning that it is a stationary Gaussian stochastic process with vanishing mean. Later, we use only the rescaled quantities, and therefore in order to improve the readability of notation fr...