3). This classification is conservative, as it depends on the sex-biased gene expression detection threshold, meaning sex-biased gene expression may be missed in some stages, inflating the number of differences we see. This is supported by the fact that only around 65% of genes that are sex...
Reproduction and dispersal are key aspects of species life history that influence spatial genetic structure in populations. Several ant species in the genus Cataglyphis have evolved a unique breeding system in which new reproductives (that is, queens and
However, previous studies only consider a predefined set of biased concepts to attest (e.g., whether gender is more or less associated with particular jobs), or just discover biased words without helping to understand their meaning at the conceptual level. As such, these approaches can be ...
On the other hand, queens mated with males from the same lineage cannot produce worker offspring meaning they are unable of founding new colonies on their own. In addition, sexual reproduction has a fitness cost for queens because it dilutes by half the genes transferred to their reproductive ...
Total and atom-based uncertainties are typically poorly calibrated47, meaning that they often underestimate actual errors. The underestimation of atomic force errors is particularly dangerous when dynamically generating candidate pools, as it may result in exploring unphysical configurations with extremely la...
Even though this result remains preliminary and further examination is needed to clarify the meaning of the increased reactive oxygen species in neonatal cells, the higher dihydroethidium response is in agreement with a higher expression of the genes involved in ROS production, such as the proton ...
GPCR signaling was traditionally interpreted in a linear fashion as a switch that could either turn a givensignaling pathway“on” or “off” (Costa-Neto et al., 2016). Today, increasing evidence shows that GPCR functionality is pluridimensional, meaning GPCRs can interact with multiple G protei...
meaning.Implied squares.In view of (1.5~) it seemsreasonablethat if one is a restraint on the possible values of ,6 that is not made moves away from the minimum sum of squarespoint, the explicit in the formulation of the generallinear model given movement should be in a direction which ...
B) Same data as with panel A, but using the UMI- corrected read-counts (meaning that if several reads that map to the same position have identical UMIs, then only a single read is used). Only the first nucleotides of the mapping-sequences are shown, and these represent the 5' ...
Another striking feature of the Th1-biasing antigen C-glycoside is that it has a prolonged biological stability in vivo, meaning that APC from mice injected hours earlier with C-glycoside have an enhanced ability to stimulate iNKT cells compared to αGalCer. To test if the plakoside A analogs...