Here we present a global dataset of the future projection of dry-bulb, wet-bulb and wet-bulb globe temperature under 1–4°C of global warming levels compared with the preindustrial era using output from 16 CMIP6 global climate models (GCMs). The dataset was bias-corrected against ERA5 ... OPEN Bias-corrected CMIP6 global Data Descriptor dataset for dynamical downscaling of the historical and future climate (1979–2100) Zhongfeng Xu 1 ✉,Ying Han1, Chi-Yung Tam 2, Zong-Liang Yang 3 & Congb...
Our evaluation suggests that the bias-corrected data are of better quality than the individual CMIP6 models in terms of the climatological mean, interannual variance and extreme events. This dataset will be useful for dynamical downscaling projections of the Earth's future climate, atmospheric ...
extremes of precipitation, maximum and minimum temperatures were removed. Also, we compared the season cycle of bias-corrected precipitation, maximum and minimum temperatures from the CMIP6-GCMs against the observed dataset for the 1985–2014 period. Uncertainty in the bias-corrected precipitation, maxi...
Bias-corrected CMIP6 global dataset for dynamical downscaling of the historical and future climate (1979–2100)doi:10.21203/ XuYing HanChi Yung TamCongbin FuSpringer Science and Business Media LLC
methods, Delta, Quantile Mapping (QM) and Empirical Quantile Mapping (EQM) with two reference data sets (ERA and station-based observations) of precipitation for 5 single CMIP6 GCM models (ACCESS-CM2, CNRM-CM6-1-HR, GFDL-ESM4, MIROC6, MRI-ESM2-0) and ensemble mean approach over ...
Table 1 CMIP5 Global Climate Models. Full size table Delta method downscaling The DC approach presented here is a simple form of BC in which a change factor or ‘delta’ is derived from the GCM, and then added onto the observations (WorldClim). The purpose of our dataset is to provide ...
Bias-Corrected CMIP6 Global Dataset for Dynamical Downscaling of the Historical and Future Climate (1979–2100). Sci. Data 2021, 8, 293. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Xu, Z.; Yang, Z.-L. An Improved Dynamical Downscaling Method with GCM Bias Corrections and Its Validation with ...
Evaluation of Bias-Corrected GCM CMIP6 Simulation of Sea Surface Temperature over the Gulf of GuineaGULF of GuineaGENERAL circulation modelGLOBAL warmingSPATIAL resolutionINTEGRATED softwareLONGITUDEThis study used an ERA5 reanalysis SST dataset re-gridded to a common grid with a 0.25° × 0.25° ...