RCMs show critical biases in precipitation and therefore it is mandatory that bias correction is to be carried out so that they are usable for research. Six RCMs are considered and analysed in this study to reduce the errors in RCMs during the period from 1970 to 2005 over Amaravati region...
Tschoke, G.V.; Kruk, N.S.; Queiroz, P.I.B.; Chou, S.; de Sousa, W.C. Comparison of two bias correction methods for precipitation simulated with a regional climate model. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 2017, 127, 841-852. [CrossRef]...
Bias correction procedures derived from the World Meteorological Organization's solid precipitation measurement intercomparison dataset for the Tretyakov rain gauge were applied to 20 years of data from 31 meteorological stations in Mongolia. Daily corrections of precipitation biases from wind-induced under...
Here, we perform a variance decomposition to partition uncertainty in global climate projections and quantify the relative importance of downscaling and bias-correction. We analyze simple climate metrics such as annual temperature and precipitation averages, as well as several indices of climate extremes...
“Methods” section). The multi-model mean BCOR of the DL-correction is consistently higher than the S2S models up to 4 weeks (Supplementary Fig.7). An increased signal and reduced noise after the DL-correction, which results in a higher MJO predictability than the original ECMWF-Cy43r3 re...
QM and QDM methods are used to correct simulated temperature and precipitation over China from a set of regional climate model (RegCM4) projection simulations in which the RegCM4 is driven by five different general circulation models. Extreme climate ind
Using BCC-CSM2-MR data, rainfall projections for the 21st century under the shared socioeconomic pathways (SSP) 2–4.5 and 5–8.5 scenarios were analyzed relative to the 1981–2014 reference period. Bias correction through quantile mapping aligned the model outputs with observed datasets from the...
Statistical bias correction for daily precipitation in regional climate models over Europe We design, apply, and validate a methodology for correcting climate model output to produce internally consistent fields that have the same statistical int... C.,Piani,J.,... - 《Theoretical & Applied Climato...
a precipitation oxygen isoscape in China for a period of 148 years is built by integrating observed and iGCMs-simulated isotope compositions using an optimal hybrid approach of three data fusion and two bias correction methods. The temporal and spatial resolutions of the isoscape are monthly and ...
it strongly outperforms any existing methods in the correction of spatial patterns, especially in terms of the characteristic spatial intermittency of precipitation extremes. PDFAbstract Code AddRemoveMark official No code implementations yet. Submityour code now...