In this paper we derive a bias correction formula for magnitude MR images. This correction is applied in two different simulation experiments, a T2 mapping experiment and a DTI experiment. We show that the correction formula successfully removes the bias. As the correction is performed as post-...
Bias Correction Introduction A central object in asymptotic likelihood theory is the calculation of the second-order biases of the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs). To improve the accuracy of these estimates, substantial effort has gone into computing the cumulants of log-likelihood derivatives which...
Bias correctionCorrection factorsDevianceDispersion parameterLog-gamma modelNonlinear modelsResidualsIn this paper we derive general formulae for the biases to order n1 of the parameter estimates in a general class of nonlinear regression models, where n is the sample size. The formulae are related ...
Jae H. Kim
Bias correction in generalized linear models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 1991; 53:629--643.Cordeiro, G. M. and McCullagh, P., 1991, Bias correction in Generalized Linear Models.Cordeiro, G. M. and P. McCullagh (1991). Bias correction in generalized linear models....
Montenegro LCC,Colosimo EA,Cordeiro GM,Cruz FRB.Bias correction in the Cox regression model. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation . 2004Montenegro, L. C. C , Colosimo, E. A., Cordeiro, G. M., and Cruz, F. (2004). Bias correction in the Cox regression model. Journal of ...
Almost every sentence in the above excerpt cries out for correction. For instance, Reagan and his team never claimed that the 1981 tax cuts would be self-financing (though IRS data shows that lower tax rates on the rich did produce more revenue). There were big deficits because of the 1980...
dssg/aequitas master BranchesTags Code README MIT license Aequitas: Bias Auditing & "Correction" Toolkit aequitasis an open-source bias auditing and Fair ML toolkit for data scientists, machine learning researchers, and policymakers. We provide an easy-to-use and transparent tool for auditing ...
Unless otherwise stated, we employed a Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) correction for multiple comparisons97; p-values were considered significant only if they passed a BH false discovery rate (FDR) threshold of 0.05. Absolute values of the effect sizes (Cohen’s d) were also computed for the pair...
To overcome certain systematic biases from climate models, a statistical bias-correction (BC) procedure is implemented to correct GCMs output towards ERA5 reanalysis62,63. Despite recognized weaknesses64,65, statistical BC has become a common procedure for climate change impact assessment66, and been...