商标名称 BIAO GUO 国际分类 第33类-酒 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 54906064 申请日期 2021-04-02 申请人名称(中文) 贵州国标酒业有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 贵州省贵阳市南明区小车河街道办事处花果园彭家湾花果园项目M区第1栋(1) 1单元16层18号房A01号工位[小车河办事处] 申...
iPhone·Android 年份评价全部 快乐男声20072007 8.1 演员- 自己 丑女无敌 第一季2008 5.6 演员 乐火男孩2009 5.0 演员 玫瑰向前开2007演员 经视老友记2024演员 - 自己 那时花正开2007演员 明星学院20042004演员 - 自己 > 我来报错 >去 郭彪 影人页
biaoguo biaoguo有哪些 词语词典在线查询:biaoguo 共有1个 在线词语词典 词语大全成语首拼 A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T W X Y Z 成语组合 词语词性 名词 动词 形容词 副词 拟声词 助词 连词 介词 代词 疑问词 数词 量词 数量词 成语 词语组合 AB式 AA式 AAB式 ABA式 ...
Automatic translations of "Guobiao code" into Chinese error Try again Glosbe Translate error Try again Google Translate Add example Translations of "Guobiao code" into Chinese in sentences, translation memory Declension Stem Match words all exact any No examples found, consider adding one ...
商标名称 标果工厂 BIAOGUOWORKS 国际分类 第29类-食品 商标状态 商标已注册 申请/注册号 62079509 申请日期 2022-01-11 申请人名称(中文) 贵州果卡科技有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 贵州省贵安新区苏贵产业园企业总部发展中心项目(ZD-64地块)C栋11楼1101号房 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告...
类似于 "guobiao" 的短语,可翻译成 中文 Guobiao code 国家标准代码 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“guobiao"翻译成 中文 变形 干 The company is proud to announce that its specific TPE compounds have met and satisfied the high GuoBiao (GB) standards in the People's Republic of China. ...
Guobiao MajiangChinese Official Mahjong aka Guóbiāo Májiàng (simplified Chinese: 国标麻将, literally National Standard Mahjong) is a rule of Mahjong founded by All-China Sports Federation in July 1998.Features in the ruleThere are exactly 4 hands for each Prevailing Wind, because Game Wind ...
英文GuoBiao翻译, 英语词典提供GuoBiao的意思详细解释、GuoBiao中英文对照翻译、的用法例句,包话相关短语用法,例句说明等信息
Guobiao Mahjong a.k.a. Mahjong Competition Rules (MCR)How many flowers? Self-draw? No Yes Yes, after melding a quad Winning tile special conditions None Last tile in wall Last tile discarded Stolen quad Winning tile was the last non-revealed tile of its type Prevailing wind:...
CCC serves to enforce GB standards. For example, GB standards for child safety seats were promulgated in July 2011 and came into effect a year later in 2012. In the one-and-a-half years since then, however, very few manufacturers have been able to meet the standards. To enforce the stan...