As an important part of Shanghai's intangible cultural heritage, Chongming Biandan Opera has high inheritance value. With the emergence of interesting and interactive cultural communication methods, the dissemination of intangible cultural heritage among the youth groups dominated by college students has ...
崇明学宫 崇明岛 作者:迁就 崇明学宫周边 关于崇明学宫 网友印象:观崇明民俗、岛史与古船...【更多】
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关于崇明沿江观光大堤 网友印象:崇明县于2000年建设完成了沿江观光大堤工程,沿江观光大堤外,滔滔长江水一泻千里、气势磅礴;上海钢城一一...【更多】 崇明沿江观光大堤旅游快速入口 上海景点 更多> 沃野冰雪乐园SHEERCOOL城居乐汤汤泉海上花岛玫瑰汤泉汤连得(长清店)温泉馆汤连得(宝山店)温泉汤连得金沙江118温泉馆吕巷水果...