Montemor, Maria F.Monnier, JudithLenoir, BertrandSpringer USJournal of Electronic MaterialsGoncalves, A.P.; Lopes, E.B.; Montemor, M.F.; Monnier, J.; Lenoir, B. Oxidation Studies of Cu12Sb3.9Bi0.1S10Se3 tetrahedrite. J. Electron. Mater. 2018, 47, 2880-2889. [CrossRef]...
Windowss10教育版原版系统安装【包邮】 二、兑换流程 1)点击立即兑换,雨点满足即可兑奖;2)兑换后,填写详细的邮寄地址信息,一定要仔细检查哟;3)奖品一般在中奖后5个工作日内寄出,请耐心等待哟。 三、特别说明 1)商城中兑换商品均为奖品,因商品质量问题无法使用的自签收起超过7日将无法进行更换。退换过程中产生的运...
The quasi-bicircular problem (QBCP) is a periodic time-dependent perturbation of the Earth- Moon restricted three-body problem (RTBP) that accounts for the effect of the Sun. It is based on using a periodic solution of the Earth-Moon-Sun three-body problem to write the equations of ...
And the Bi 4-x Nd x Ti 3 O 12 films also exhibit a blue light emission peak at 437 nm and a yellow light emission peak at 580 nm. There are narrower band gaps, higher dielectric constant and lower dielectric loss when Nd concentration varies from 0 to 0.85. And the Bi 3.15 Nd ...
This paper deals with direct transfers from the Earth to Halo orbits related to the translunar point. The gravitational influence of the Sun as a fourth body is taken under consideration by means of the Bicircular Problem (BCP), which is a periodic time dependent perturbation of the Restricted...
Epitaxial (Bi,La)4Ti3O12 (BLT) thin films, epi- taxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) thin films, and epitaxial multilay- ered BLT/PZT ferroelectric thin films with different orientations were prepared on SrTiO3 (STO) single crystal substrates by pulsed laser deposition. From X-ray pole- figures ...