BI 765063是一种针对关键骨髓细胞检查点抑制剂SIRPα的单克隆抗体拮抗剂。BI 765063通过与SIRPα结合从而阻止SIRPα和CD47进行配体结合,进而阻止会导致骨髓细胞中抗肿瘤物质(如巨噬细胞和树突状细胞)降低的细胞信号传输。在2019年3月,OSE Immunotherapeutics获得法国和比利时卫生监管部门的I期临床试验批准,以评估BI 765063...
BI 765063是一种针对关键骨髓细胞检查点抑制剂SIRPα的单克隆抗体拮抗剂。BI 765063通过与SIRPα结合从而阻止SIRPα和CD47进行配体结合,进而阻止会导致骨髓细胞中抗肿瘤物质(如巨噬细胞和树突状细胞)降低的细胞信号传输。在2019年3月,OSE Immunotherapeutics获得法国和比利时卫生监管部门的I期临床试验批准,以评估BI 765063...
药品名称 BI-765063 扩展信息 VIP试用医疗器械查询APP下载客服中心常见问题数据可视化数据分析挖掘系统网站地图业务介绍友情链接 400-678-0778 投诉热线: (023) 6262 8397 邮箱: QQ: 236960938 友情链接: 药物在线 药品注册查询 临床试验查询 参比制剂目录 康洲大数据 Copyright ©...
and OSE Immunotherapeutics SA (ISIN: FR0012127173; Mnemo: OSE) (Paris:OSE) today announce that the first patient has been dosed in the expansion phase of the Phase 1 clinical trial evaluatingBI 765063, a first-in-class monoclonal antibody antagonist of SIRPα, in combination with ezabenlimab...
318 -- 2:21 App MDM2-p53 拮抗剂 (BI 907828) 作用机制 241 -- 2:02 App 双特异性抗体-Xentuzumab的作用机制 309 -- 1:16 App DLL3-CD3双特异性抗体作用机制 110 -- 2:35 App KISIMA™癌症疫苗 (ATP-128)作用机制 205 -- 2:03 App SOS1-KRAS 抑制剂 (BI 1701963)- 作用机制 ...
BI 765063 strongly binds V1 allele, one of the 2 major functional allele of SIRPα expressed in more than 80% of general population and Asian (in 60%). Anti-tumor effect was shown in various in vivo cancer models using the validated anti-mouse SIRPα mAbs surrogate as single agent. The...
A Phase 1 Study Evaluating BI 765063, a First in Class Selective Myeloid Sirpa Inhibitor, As Stand-Alone and in Combination with BI 754091, a Programmed De... Introduction: Signal Regulatory Protein 伪 [SIRP伪] is a polymorphic protein, strongly expressed on myeloid suppressive cells. BI ...