Different from low temperature superconductors, Bi-2223/Ag HTS tapes have lower “$n$” value. This characteristic brings rather “fuzzy” notification of the critical current. It depends on the cooling condition. This means that the critical current of Bi-2223/Ag tape can not be decided ...
#主宰这一秒# 德维恩-韦德(@DwyaneWade)2013-14赛季NBA战靴——李宁韦德之道2,继昨天首款配色——"宣告",率先曝光之后,今天"上城"也出现在了大家面前! 详情猛击这里:°李宁韦德之道2"上城"(LI-NINGWayofWade2"Over... ¡查看图片 李宁...
Bi-2212/Ag tapesLa substitutionIrreversibility fieldLa-substituted Bi-2212 (Bi 2Sr 2− xLa xCaCu 2O y)/Ag tapes with x=0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 were fabricated by a partial melting and subsequent slow cooling technique in oxygen partial pressures ( P O 2s) of 0.21 and 1 atm. La ...