BNI 指出,该计划于 2021 年 12 月刚刚实施,截至 2022 年 4 月底,交易量已超过 250 万笔,交易量超过 11 万亿盾。 BNI Sri Indira 零售解决方案部总经理表示,BNI 自 2021 年底开始实施 BI FAST 并进行内部试点。 他继续说,BNI 为 BI FAST 提供了自己的菜单位置,名称为 BI FAST 和一个特殊的标志,以便客...
The distorted inter-planar angles observed with fast Fourier transformation of the lattice images are within the maximum range of interplanar angles calculated by density functional theory. When the Bi content is increased, the crystallization temperature becomes relatively lower than that of IST, the ...
Creating fast flow channels in paper fluidic devices to control timing of sequential reactions. Lab Chip 2012, 12, 5079. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 28. Han, K.N.; Choi, J.-S.; Kwon, J. Three-dimensional paper-based slip device for one-step point-of-care testing. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, ...
3D porous carbon sheets with multidirectional ion pathways for fast and durable lithium–sulfur batteries. Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 8, 1702381. [CrossRef] 25. Shim, J.; Striebel, K.A.; Cairns, E.J. The Lithium/sulfur rechargeable cell effects of electrode composition and solvent on cell ...
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