We develop the Hamiltonian formalism of bigravity and bimetric theories for the general form of the interaction potential of two metrics. When studying the role of lapse and shift functions in theories with two metrics, we naturally use the Kucha formalism in which these functions are independent...
Sixteen trait pairs showed a strong confounder effect, in the form of significant tx and ty estimates. These pairs were investigated for the presence of confounders using EpiGraphDB, and 10 of them returned possible confounders. The bulk of such pairs returned confounders with both agreeing and di...
In the second strand cDNA synthesis, the mRNA template was removed and a replacement strand was generated to form the blunt-end double-stranded (ds) cDNA. The ds cDNA underwent 3′ adenylation and indexed adapter ligation. The adapter-ligated libraries were enriched by 15 cycles of polymerase ...
To address these challenges, various strategies can be employed, such as: (i) enhancing visible light absorption through elemental doping, (ii) modifying the properties and band gap structure of the photocatalysts, (iii) forming nanocomposite and /or heterojunction structures, and (iv) implementing ...
In this case, a stoichiometry of 1:4 BiSAb:Ag would be achieved, and negligible amounts of larger immune complex would form. The clearance of antigen bound to BiSAbs would be attenuated, but the majority of antigen would follow its normal metabolic path because it would not be bound to ...
The DDR is a form of chemical intelligence. It ensures that the enzymes that have the ability to remodel the structure of DNA—enzymes that are actually dangerous to DNA if used inappropriately—are activated and deployed at the right time and right place to resolve a particular altered DNA st...
norelem NLM 27627-20 /FORM KAMCT Brattberg RGSC-6+6 Material:St52-3NLumberg REST-RKMV3-224/0.6Mcabur XCSW121CBeck 930.8322251TWK CRD58- 4096R4096C2Z01ATOS E-BM-AC-01FWalther 710110Ahlborn Mess- und Regelungstechnik GmbH ZB2490HSContrinex LTK-1180L-101GEISS AG A03.002617Phoenix VS-RJ45-...
交易脚本:以房间号549607 为例子 insert into t_contract (contractID, contractGUID, companyGUID, projGUID, tradeGUID, roomGUID, lastSaleGUID, lastSaleType, contractNO, qSDate, bldArea, tnArea, price, tnPrice, total, calMode, payformName, discntValue, discntRemark, bldCjPrice, tnCjPrice, ...
This mechanism involves the constriction under the applied stress of a pair of leading and trailing partial dislocations to form a perfect dislocation interacting with the boundary. The transition from slip transmission to absorption with increasing stress shown in Fig. 2 can be explained by the ...
Connectome maps and organoid-based co-cultures reveal that LGR5+ fibroblasts form a signalling hub in the airway niche. AT0 cells and TRB-SCs are conserved in primates and emerge dynamically during human lung development. Using a non-human primate model of lung injury, together with human ...