JIPB近日在线发表了中国农业科学院作物科学研究所傅彬英研究员和西北农林科技大学赵天永教授团队题为“The bHLH transcription factor gene, OsbHLH38, plays a key role in controlling rice salt tolerance”的研究论文(https://doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13489)。该研究通过全基因组关联分析(GWAS)鉴定了一个响应ABA...
JIPB近日在线发表了中国农业科学院作物科学研究所傅彬英研究员和西北农林科技大学赵天永教授团队题为“The bHLH transcription factor gene,OsbHLH38, plays a key role in controlling rice salt tolerance”的研究论文(https://doi.or...
近日,Horticulture Research上线了(Advance Access)西北农林科技大学陈儒钢教授团队题为Pepper bHLH transcription factor CabHLH035 contributes to salt tolerance by modulating ion homeostasis and proline biosynthesis的研究论文。 bHLH 转录...
Here, we present a comprehensive review focusing on the structural characteristics, taxonomic rules, and biological functions of the bHLH gene family, with particular emphasis on its involvement in plant growth, development, responses to abiotic stresses (such as drought, low temperature, salt, and ...
1.本发明涉及植物基因工程领域,具体地说,涉及二色补血草基因lbhlh及其应用。 背景技术: 2.根据联合国粮食及农业组织(fao)的数据,全世界有9.5亿公顷土地受到土壤盐分的影响,占世界总土地面积的6.5%以上,全世界近一半的灌溉土壤受到盐碱化的影响。盐碱化的加剧,耕地面积减少,严重影响了粮食生产和粮食安全。因此,开发...
近日,Horticulture Research上线了(Advance Access)西北农林科技大学陈儒钢教授团队题为Pepper bHLH transcription factor CabHLH035 contributes to salt tolerance by modulating ion homeostasis and proline biosynthesis的研究论文。 bHLH转录因子家族的成员在植物生物学过程的多个方面发挥着重要作用,例如非生物胁迫反应。实验...
et al. A previously unknown zinc finger protein, DST, regulates drought and salt tolerance in rice via stomatal aperture control. Genes Dev. 23, 1805–1817 (2009). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Ding, Y. F. et al. Rice DST transcription factor negatively regulates heat ...
Here, we present a comprehensive review focusing on the structural characteristics, taxonomic rules, and biological functions of the bHLH gene family, with particular emphasis on its involvement in plant growth, development, responses to abiotic stresses (such as drought, low temperature, salt, and ...
[28]Zheng K J,Wang Y T,Wang S C. The non-DNA binding bHLH transcription factor Paclobutrazol Resistances are involved in the regulation of ABA and salt responses in Arabidopsis[J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2019,139:239-245. [29]Verma D,Jalmi S K,Bhagat P K,et al. A bHLH t...
The expression of 16 PvbHLH genes in the root and leaf tissues of salt-stressed common bean was evaluated using qRT-PCR. Among them, two of PvbHLHs, PvbHLH-54, PvbHLH-148, were found to be up-regulated in both tissues in correlation with RNA-seq measurements. The results of this ...