Finally, we show that oral administration of BHA prevents in vivo inflammatory conditions driven by TNF-mediated RIPK1 kinase-dependent cell death, which may have beneficial implications for its use as a food additive. Material and methods Antibodies and reagents The following antibodies were used ...
A study of the effects of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) on the hepatic metabolism was conducted with emphasis on parameters linked to energy metabolism and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production. The experimental systems were the isolated perfused rat liver and isolated mitochondria. It was ...
分类说明以动物(猪、牛、鱼等)脂肪加工制成的油脂。 食品英文名Animal oil and fat (include lard, beef tallow, fish oil and other animal fat) 添加剂名称丁基羟基茴香醚(BHA) 添加剂英文名称butylated hydroxyanisole CNS号04.001 INS号320 功能抗氧化剂 ...
Here's a question for you: What food additive does the Food and Drug Administration deem "generally recognized as safe," while the National Institutes of Health, says it's "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen?" Here's a hint: It's a preservative, and you can find it in (...
Liang X M,Lu J Y,Nie X P,et al.Toxicity of the food additive BHA(butylated hydroxyanisole)and antibiotic NFLX(norfloxacin)to swordtail fish(Xiphophorus helleri)[J].Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae,2010,30(1):172-179(in Chinese).Liang X M, Lu J Y, Nie X P, et al. Toxicity of the ...
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) is a phenolic antioxidant that is used as a food additive, particularly in fats and oils, and it is also authorized as a feed additive in the European Union for all animal species with a maximum concentration of 150 mg kg...