Having built a superior management team, BH Hospitality Management, LLC is dedicated to the success of each of its properties, to include, the quality, market performance, profitability and asset protection. Brands We Manage! Our Team Harsh Patel President/CEO & Co-Owner Harsh Patel, has...
EY global hospitality professionals can help you build a hospitality business of the future. Find out how.
KPMG team offers full support in sustainable management and data analytics for your organization, leveraging Microsoft Azure and Power BI. US$40,000 联系信息 Argano Data InsightsArgano LLC FinanceSales+1Accelerate your analytics transformation and drive better business decisions by empowering your ...
EMAAR engages in property investments, development and development management businesses globally and in the MENA region. DCH is a special purpose entity (SPE) which was incorporated for the development of the DCH masterplan and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dubai Holding LLC (DH). ...
End to End Supplier Risk Management 免费 联系信息 Power BI Report Server for Hospitality & Travel: 1-Hr BriefingPBI Lab Inc Power BI appsAn overview of how Power BI Report Server can help your organization improve business performance. You can apply governance on your own terms and build your...
Microsoft Copilot Studio 1 Hour briefingCommunication Square LLC +3Our briefing, or as we at Communication Square call it, a Cloud Strategy Call, is designed to assist customers in understanding the advantages and procedures of Microsoft Copilot Studio. 免费 联系信息 Voice for Teams: 1 Hour Brie...