A continuously cored borehole at Hartwell, near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, proved the Purbeck (5.16 m), Portland (12.79 m), Kimmeridge Clay (47.95 m) and Ampthill Clay (10.79 m seen) formations of Late Jurassic age. Enhanced by field and other borehole data gathered during recent 1:10000...
∙Loch, lake and inshore surveys using the BGS survey vessel: the White Ribbon The BGS marine operations team and equipment pool are based at The Lyell Centre 2 near Edinburgh; the team can tailor projects to meet the needs of both scientific and commercial projects, including research and ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology Volume 12, Issue 5, 1995, Pages 580–581 Book review A multidisciplinary study of mid-tertiary to Quaternary sediments recovered in BGS borehole 88/7,7A, hebrides slope, Northern Rockall Trough Region, in: British Geological Survey, Edinburgh; Marine Report Series ...
Vale of York 3-D Borehole Interpretation and Cross-sections Study BGS Commissioned Report CR/03/251Jonathan FordHolger Kessler
The system has the ability to integrate information from various sources, including aerial photographs, mine plans, satellite images, digital boreholes, and radar data.Moon, TedOffshore
Integrated stra- tigraphy of an Early Cretaceous (Barremian-Early Albian) North Sea borehole (BGS 81/40). Cretac. Res. 26 (6).Ruckheim, S., Bornemann, A. & Mutterlose, J. (2006): Integrated stratigraphy of an Early Cretaceous (Barremian-Early Albian) North Sea borehole (BGS 81/...
1995. The stratigraphy of the Gault Formation (Middle & Upper Al- bian) in the BGS Arlesey Borehole, Bedfordshire. Pro- ceedings of the Geologists' Association, 106, 271-280.Woods, M.A., I.P. Wilkinson & P.M. Hopson, 1995. The stratigraphy of the Gault Formation (Middle and Upper ...
Three cored boreholes at Selborne proved a greatly expanded Gault and Upper Greensand succession compared to those known elsewhere in the Weald, and the thickest Lower Gault yet documented onshore in the UK. Macrofaunas, microfaunas, marine palynofloras and lithology are used to subdivide the ...