6.执行outbound police 7.放到Adj-RIB-Out 8.发给邻居 Inbound police influence outbound route (说白了就是对所有出去的流量都影响,因为在放入Adj-RIB-Out之前就执行police) Outbound police influence Inbound route (说白了就是已经确定要发给谁了,然后再执行police,那么受影响的只有指定的接收者) Path Selecti...
If the neighbor is configured as an external BGP (eBGP) peer, you must configure an inbound and outbound route policy on the neighbor using the route-policy command. Note Instead of configuring an inbound and outbound route policy, you can configure the unsafe eBGP policy to allow all...
此时需要在RR1的BGP-VPN-Target地址族视图下,对邻居RRR配置peer allow-cluster-loop命令,从而RR1可以接收二级反射器RRR发布的RT路由,并指导VPNv4邻居的路由发布。 Route Server Route Server类似于IBGP全连接使用路由反射器,是一台或多台用于进行路由服务的设备,其主要的功能是,向各个客户端(边界设备)传播路由,且向...
如图10-239所示,在一个AS内,其中一台路由器作为路由反射器RR(Route Reflector),其它路由器作为客户机(Client)。客户机与路由反射器之间建立IBGP连接。路由反射器和它的客户机组成一个集群(Cluster)。路由反射器在客户机之间反射路由信息,客户机之间不需要建立BGP连接。 既不是反射器也不是客户机的BGP设备被称为非...
BGP路由衰减: RFD,BGP Flap Route Dampening RFC 2439;用来解决路由不稳定的问题。 BGP ORF: BGP基于前缀的 ( Outbound Route Filtering ) 能力 RRC5291、RFC5292. 通过Route-Refresh报文,将入口策略发送给邻居,邻居构建出口策略发送路由。 有效避免接收大量无用路由,降低CPU使用率,减少邻居的配置工作,降低链路带宽的...
If the neighbor is configured as an external BGP (eBGP) peer, you must configure an inbound and outbound route policy on the neighbor using the route-policy command. Note Instead of configuring an inbound and outbound route policy, you can configure the unsafe eBGP policy to allow all ...
{ outbound-interface eth0 source { address } translation { address masquerade } } } } protocols { bgp 65008 { address-family { ipv4-unicast { network { } } } neighbor { address-family { ipv4-unicast { route-reflector-client } } remote-as 65008 } ...
在一个AS内,其中一台路由器作为RR(Route Reflector,路由反射器),作为客户机(Client)的路由器与路由反射器之间建立IBGP连接。路由反射器从客户机接收到路由后,将其传递(反射)给所有其他的客户机,从而保证客户机之间不需要建立BGP连接,就可以学习到彼此的路由。 既不是路由反射器也不是客户机的BGP路由器被称为非...
When the switch is configured as a route reflector it can also be configured to preserve the BGP attributes of the reflected routes (next-hop, local preference, and metric) in its route advertisements regardless of outbound BGP policies. BGP Nexthop Resolution RIBs: EVPN and IPV4/6 Labeled-...
import-route protocol [ { process-id | all-processes } [ allow-direct | med med-value | route-policy route-policy-name ] * ] 必选 缺省情况下,BGP不引入其它协议的路由 目前只有OSPF协议支持配置allow-direct参数 允许将缺省路由引入到BGP路由表中 default-route imported 可选 缺省情况下,BGP不允许...