一台路由器只能启动一个BGP进程,当配置多个进程时会提示如下错误信息:BGP is already running;AS is 100。命令neighbor后边跟的是邻居路由器BGP路由更新源的地址。BGP中的network命令与IGP不同,它只是将IGP中存在的路由条目(可以是直连、静态路由或动态路由)在BGP中通告,同时network命令使用参数mask来通告单独的子网,...
BGP neighbor is, remote AS 200, external link //BGP的邻居地址和所在的AS external表示EBGP BGP version 4, remote router ID BGP state = Established, up for 00:11:25 //Established表示已经与邻居建立链接 Last read 00:00:21, last write 00:00:38, hold time is 180, keep...
[R1]bgp 1 [R1]bgp 2 Error: BGP is already running. The AS is 1. #注:bgp后跟的是as号不光具有本地意义 [R1-bgp]router-id 建立邻居 as1与as2之间是一条链路 使用接口ip建立邻居即可 [R1-bgp]peer as-number 2 [R1-bgp]dis bgp peer BGP local router ID : Loca...
先建立邻居: R1#router bgp 100 (一个路由器上只能配置一个AS,否则会提示是:BGP is already running AS is 100 ) Neighbor remote-as 200 指定邻居关系,指定远端的AS号(也就是对端的AS号)注:在bgp路由器上也有router ID ,选举规则是和OSPF一样的,也可以手动指router ID。 Router bgp 100 Bgp...
switch(config)# router bgp 100 % BGP is already running with AS number 50 switch(config)# Configuring BGP in a VRF IPv6 VRF support in EOS allows application of a BGP configuration to a single VRF instance, overriding global commands. To apply VRF-specific BGP configuration, use the vrf ...
先实现AS200内全网通信(RIP协议),再实现AS300内全网通信(OSPF协议),在AS200内R1和R2建立邻居(使用接口地址建立邻居),在AS300内R3和R4建立邻居(使用Loopback建立邻居)。 R1的配置:[R1]bgp 200 [R1-bgp]peer as-number 200 R2的配置:[R2]bgp 200 [R2-bgp]peer ...
Similar to the metric used by an IGP, the MED is used to determine the optimal route when traffic enters an AS. If the router running BGP obtains multiple routes from different EBGP peers and these routes have the same destination but different next hops, the device selects the route with...
BGP uses TCP (port number 179) as its transport layer protocol, which enhances protocol reliability. This allows VPN routes to be directly exchanged between two PEs with routers located between them. BGP can append any information to a route as optional BGP attributes. Such information is transpa...
This feature does not introduce any new failure modes to IS-IS. Running Configuration To check the filter for IS-IS advertisements to BGP-LS, you can run the following command: Router#show running-configrouter isis 1 distribute link-state ...