BGP进程重启,具备GR能力的设备进入GR Restarter,GR Restarter启动Protection Timer和Force-Quit Timer,等待BGP邻居重新建连。 当第一个BGP邻居建连成功,删除Protection Timer,跳转至步骤2。 所有BGP邻居都没有建连成功,Protection Timer定时器超时,退出GR Restarter。 GR Restarter继续等待剩余BGP邻居建连,同时接收已建连...
BGP进程重启,具备GR能力的设备进入GR Restarter,GR Restarter启动Protection Timer和Force-Quit Timer,等待BGP邻居重新建连。 当第一个BGP邻居建连成功,删除Protection Timer,跳转至步骤2。 所有BGP邻居都没有建连成功,Protection Timer定时器超时,退出GR Restarter。 GR Restarter继续等待剩余BGP邻居建连,同时接收已建连...
(config)# ip cef # 开启思科快速转发,默认开启。 (config)# mpls label protocol ldp # 指定标签分发协议为LDP (config)# mpls ldp router-id lo0 force # 强制使用lo0地址建立LDP邻居 (config)# int eX/y (config-if)# mpls ip (4)开启BGP同步(不推荐)(config)# router bgp 300 (config-...
1.配置命令 配置LDP Router-ID Router(config)# mpls ldp router-id interface [force] 接口模式下开启frame-mode标签交换/启用LDP协议 Router(config-if)# mpls ip 接口模式下选择标签分发协议,both为对方协议未知时使用 Router(config-if)# mpls label protocol ldp | tdp | both 全局模式下选择标签交换协议,...
Speaker:发送BGP报文的路由设备称为BGP发言者(Speaker),它接收或产生新的路由信息,并发布(Advertise)给其它BGP Speaker。当BGP Speaker收到来自其它AS的新路由时,如果该路由比当前已知路由更优、或者当前还没有该路由,它就把这条路由发布给所有其他BGP Speaker(发布该路由的BGP Speaker除外)。
force-self- always use a local address of the interface that used to connect to the peer as the nexthop; propagate- try to propagate further the nexthop received; i.e. if the route has BGPNEXT_HOPattribute, then use it as the nexthop, otherwise fall back to the default case ...
Optional non-transitive: If a BGP device does not support this type of attribute, the device ignores it and does not advertise messages carrying it to other peers. Some common BGP route attributes are as follows: Origin is a well-known mandatory attribute. It defines the origin of path infor...
Additional Reading and Use Cases For more information about this feature and its potential applications, please refer to the following community posts: NVIDIA Onyx BGP Deployment Guide How To Configure BGP EVPN © Copyright 2023, NVIDIA.Last updated on Nov 15, 2023....
next hop, include the network that the next hop belongs to in the IGP or issue thenext-hop-self neighborcommand to force the router to advertise itself, rather than the external peer, as the next hop. Refer to theBGP Next Hop Attributesection ofBGP Case Studiesfor a more detailed ...
发送BGP报文的路由设备称为BGP发言者(Speaker),它接收或产生新的路由信息,并发布(Advertise)给其它BGP Speaker。当BGP Speaker收到来自其它AS的新路由时,如果该路由比当前已知路由更优、或者当前还没有该路由,它就把这条路由发布给所有其他BGP Speaker(发布该路由的BGP Speaker除外)。