新的address address address -family “l2vpn family “l2vpn family “l2vpn family “l2vpn family “l2vpn family “l2vpn evpn evpn” 用作 分发 EVPN EVPN 路由 EVPN EVPN 路由 = [MAC] + IP] = [MAC] + IP] = [MAC] + IP] = [MAC] + IP] = [MAC] + IP] = [MAC] + IP] 支持iBGP ...
枝葉01(基本EVPN配置) Leaf-01#show run | sec l2vpn l2vpn evpn replication-type static flooding-suppression address-resolution disable <-- Disables ARP caching so ARP is always sent up to the CGW router-id Loopback1 l2vpn evpninstance 201vlan-based encapsulation vxlanrepl...
ARP Broadcast Suppression on a VXLAN BGP EVPN Network How Do I Configure VXLAN BGP EVPN? EVPN Overview Basic Concepts of EVPN Why is EVPN developed? In the initial VXLAN solution (RFC 7348), no control plane is defined. VXLAN tunnels are manually configured, and host addresses are learned th...
枝叶–01(基本EVPN配置) Leaf-01#show run | sec l2vpn l2vpn evpn replication-type static flooding-suppression address-resolution disable <-- Disables ARP caching so ARP is always sent up to the CGW router-id Loopback1 l2vpn evpninstance 201vlan-based encapsulation vxlanreplicatio...
配置bestroute address-family-priority vpnv6 high-level命令后BGP在选择最优路由时比较VPN地址族类型,且从VPNv6交叉的IPv6前缀路由优于从EVPNv6交叉的IPv6前缀路由。 配置bestroute address-family-priority evpnv6 high-level命令后BGP在选择最优路由时比较VPN地址族类型,且从EVPNv6交叉的IPv6前缀路由优于从VPNv6...
VXLAN MP-BGP EVPN spine and leaf架构使用MP-BGP EVPN作为VXLAN的控制平面。该设计符合IETF VXLAN标准RFC 7348和IETF-bess-evpn覆盖图草案。它为VXLAN覆盖网络中的第2层和第3层转发提供控制平面和数据平面分离以及统一的控制平面。控制平面学习终端主机第2层和第3层的可达性信息(MAC和IP地址),并通过EVPN地址族分发...
RFC 7432specifies “BGP MPLS-Based Ethernet VPN” and is largely reused for VXLAN. Originally, BGP could only be used for IPv4 routing, butmultiprotocol extensions(also used for IPv6 BGP) allow BGP to be used to communicate EVPN information between VTEPs. Each VTEP injects the MAC and IP ...
Chapter 3 VXLAN/EVPN Forwarding Characteristics In this chapter, the following topics will be covered: ■ Enhanced BGP EVPN features such as ARP suppression, unknown unicast suppression, and optimized IGMP snooping ■ Distributed IP anycast gateway in the VXLAN EVPN fabric ■ Anycast VTEP ...
EVPN (VXLAN) Only supports IP domains+. * Tunnel domains refer to tunnel RIBs, e.g. system-colored-tunnel-rib, system-tunnel-rib, or user-defined tunnel RIBs. + IP domains are either of system-unicast-rib or system-connected. BGP Logical OR of Multiple Community Lists in the Same Match...
ARP suppression reduces ARP broadcast traffic by leveraging the BGP EVPN control plane information. ARP suppression is enabled on a per-Layer 2 VNI basis. In this way, for all known endpoints, ARP requests are sent only between the endpoint and the local edge device/VTEP. Figure 3-4 ...