向特定 BGP 对等体通告的 Nexus BGP 路由 Nexus# show bgp ipv4 unicast neighbors advertised-routes Peer routes for address family IPv4 Unicast: BGP table version is 20, local router ID is Status: s-suppressed, x-deleted, S-stale, d-dampened, h-history, *-v...
Advertised routes total 向指定对等体发布的路由总数 Received routes total 从指定对等体收到的路由总数 # 显示IPv4组播的路由统计信息。 <Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv4 multicast statistics Total number of routes: 5 表1-21 display bgp routing-table ipv4 multicast stat...
● show ip bgp neighbors [地址] advertised-routes 命令显示哪些消息正被发送。 ● show ip bgp neighbors [地址] routes 命令显示哪些消息正被接收。 注意:show ip bgp neighbors [地址] advertise-routes 命令不考虑可能已应用的任何出站策略。在未来的 Cisco IOS 软件版本中,会更改命令输出以反映出站策略。...
● show ip bgp neighbors [地址] advertised-routes 命令显示哪些消息正被发送。 ● show ip bgp neighbors [地址] routes 命令显示哪些消息正被接收。 注意:show ip bgp neighbors [地址] advertise-routes 命令不考虑可能已应用的任何出站策略。在未来的 Cisco IOS 软件版本中,会更改命令输出以反映出站策略。...
Info: Automatic summarization is valid only for the routes imported through the import-route command. //再去R4的bgp表上查看信息,此时已经汇总完成 <r4>display bgp routing-table BGP Local router ID is Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - damped, ...
display bgp routing-table peer ipv4-address { advertised-routes | received-routes [ active ] } statistics 参数说明 参数参数说明取值 as-path-filter as-path-filter-number 显示BGP的匹配指定as-path过滤器号的路由统计信息。 整数形式,取值为1~256。 as-path-filter as-path-filter-name 显示BGP的匹配指...
display bgp multicast routing-tablepeeripv4-address{advertised-routes|received-routes[active] }statistics 参数说明 参数参数说明取值 peeripv4-address查看指定对等体的路由信息。点分十进制格式。 advertised-routes显示发布给指定对等体的路由信息。- received-routes显示从指定对等体收到的路由信息。- ...
The reason x.x.x.x is in R2's BGP table with a next-hop value of is becuase the x.x.x.x is locally originated via a static route and is advertised into BGP via a network or aggregate command in the BGP configuration. So, you said x.x.x.x is configured as a static...
[AR2]DIS BGP routing-table peer advertised-routes *>i 0 100 200? 3.2 filter-policy 现实环境中不推荐使用filter-policy来过滤BGP路由条目,因为他没有指定邻居,意味着是对所有邻居进行了过滤。 撤销掉之前的过滤限制,在AR5上破除EBGP防环机制,使得AR2,AR5上都有聚合的...
R102#show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routesBGP table version is 6, local router ID is Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete ...