6,7年前玩的游戏了印象不太深了,记得是个最好单人solo的游戏。29.Everdell(仙境幽谷) 7分这游戏除了画好看一点(而且也不是我喜欢的那种),比较轻策一点,是凭啥排名这么高的……30.Puerto Rico(波多黎各) 9分曾经排在第一的经典老游戏。游戏较容易入门而不失策略性。缺点是多人局相比其他游戏,更容易受不具备...
本期我们闲聊了BGG 民意双人桌游 Top100~top50 https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/328691/2023-peoples-choice-top-games-two-1-200?page=4桌游人在新物集 游戏 桌游棋牌 游戏杂谈 桌游 桌游棋牌 二人桌游 闲聊 top100 双人桌游Siker桌游 发消息
My number of plays in the last eight years: 6 (plus a ton solo)Year released: 2024Print status: Available from DVC GamesReason for obscurity: Tiny publisherThe best word game I've found since . No anagramming in this, instead you're placing out consonants one by one, bolstering ...
Top-Ranked and Award-Winning Games by Women and Non-Binary Designers (angol)Dice Hospital: ER - Emergency Roll játékszabály Kauchuk/Elastium magyar nyelvű játékszabály Kereszt és Félhold játékszabály Istanbul: The Dice Game- Solo Variant (by Sławek Wiechowski) Hungarian BEEEEES!
2023年10大该玩的单人Solo桌游 Top 10 Solo Games We Have to Play in 2023 | @BoardGameDave 28:32 2022年11月推荐十款桌游 10 Board Games We'd TAKE Any Day! - Games On Our Radar 19:19 美女2022年的最佳桌游和2023年最期待的桌 My Favorite Board Games of 2022 and Most Anticipated fo 24...
- Attributes- These traits are either Aware or Unaware and stacked on top of other roles. They can be stacked on top of most roles. A Apprentice Seer- Team Good. The Apprentice Seer starts the game as a villager but will be promoted to full seer if the original seer dies. Also referre...
江财吧 TOPCLUB BGG桌游排行榜,前100名~~你玩过几个?BGG桌游排行榜,前100 来源: 代堃AtUrCall的日志 名次 名字 中文名 1 Agricola 农场主 2 Puerto Rico 波多黎各 3 Power Grid 电力网络电力公司 4 Twi 分享15赞 桌游吧 yuanmouwang1 【新手扫盲】给大家各种桌游的BGG难度,仅供参考高手可以离开了 分享64...
RETURN TO TOP Risk of Rain 2 + Survivors of the Void + Seekers of the Storm Bundle HK$388.00+ Games includedRisk of Rain 2 Add-ons includedRisk of Rain 2: Seekers of the StormRisk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void GO TO GAME Included in Risk of Rain 2 + Survivors of the Void +...
I also like the original TM for multiplayer games (generally at conventions) or solo play (Ares also has a very good alternative solo option on BGG) but my wife will only play the much more accessible Ares Expedition (she is a regular MahJongg player and prefers it by far to C...
聚会类桌游起源于“客厅桌游”(parlour games),一般规则都非常简单且 +9 864 桌游吧 桌游圈大鲨鱼😈 #新朋旧友齐聚一堂#BGG TOP100每周排名一览(6.13-6.20)一楼感谢度娘 41510 桌游吧 南宫天予 【苏州桌游群推广】#乞讨与工作要重印啦呵呵哒#BGG桌游速递原文地址: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/...