This Fix isn't optimal when a lot of players won't know what to look for, where to place the code, or even think about keeping a backup of modsettings.lsx in order to copy these lines into the proper place. Lines that are being deleted: <node id="ModuleShortDesc"> <attribute id=...
Per title, downloaded BG3 mod manager and this script extender. Patch 5 is downloaded. Put DWrite.dll in the bin folder just like the directions said and then I installed the most recent 5e spells mod and imported it into the manager, an...
To make a build of the mod, you'll want to utilize BG3 Modder's Multitool, dragging your CommunityLibrary folder onto the "Drop workspace folder here" part of the multitool. That will generate a .zip file in yoursrc/BG3-Community-Libraryfolder. If you've already installed BG3...
Every time I launch the game I get this error saying I am not connected to the internet but I have cleared the "NGX Updater" to connect in my firewall. Is there some hidden process I need to whitelist or is there a "non-updating" version...
* Installed it as replacer, and then, as the instruction says, set the mod as Injector. Hope it helps! so, I tried this, and I got the osiris.dll error again. I also made sure the files in the BG3SE folder were the correct ones for v6, with Pyr0's files, and still got ...
Modder's Multitool Now, before we start, let's just make sure we have the latest code. Open Gitbash in your Community Library folder. Inputget checkout mainto navigate to the main branch. Inputgit fetch && git pullto make sure you have the latest version of the project ...