A great gear option for the Druid is the Whispering Promise. This gives a +1-4 bonus to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws for 2 turns to any creature you heal. It is sold byGrat the Traderin the Goblin Camp. Another great option is to purchase the Incandescent Staff fromQuartermaster Tallia...
Sold by Roah Moonglow in the Shattered Sanctum, you can reach through the Goblin Camp in Act 1. We don’t use the weapon in combat, but we want to get the nice +1 Initiative bonus from it. Please keep in mind that this is a green item, and you, Roah Moonglow, might not have it...
This whole thread is meant as constructive criticism by the way, because I enjoyed BG3 so far very much, I just missed some more options for players with a more “common” taste and spoke about my fear, that there might be too much censorship concerning the display of nudity or sexual a...
game.camp.v0.SupplyComponent (192) I: 23 = game.camp.v1.EndTheDayStateComponent (16) I: 24 = game.camp.v1.ChestComponent (48) I: 25 = game.camp.v1.PresenceComponent (4) I: 26 = game.camp.v0.SettingsComponent (12) I: 27 = game.camp.v0.TriggerComponent (24) I: 28 = ...
When this happens, one of two things is usually going on: A character is stuckbehind an obstruction. A character isunable to reach an area. On a couple different occasions, I’ve found that one member of my party won’t return to camp with me or won’t move forward with me. Upon ...
kind of boring too. The camping mechanics were fun when patch five was first rolled out, but now I just hit Auto select and find it boring trying to manage all the items in my Camp storage versus what I'm carrying on each character. It is one of the most boring parts of the game....
Tucked away in your camp, exuding a certain ‘we found this at a vintage fair and it’s too fancy for our current home’ energy, is an item called the Magic Mirror. Tales have been told of its legendary ability to permanently alter the appearance of one who gazes into it. The Magic...
To give Shadowheart the Noblestalk mushroom, ensure it’s in your inventory whiletaking a long rest at your camp, and thentalk to Shadowheart. If you’ve increased your favorability enough with Shadowheart, you will see the following dialogue option: ...
The easiest way to get there is through the Goblin Campfront door into the Shattered Sanctum. Then from there enter theDefiled Sanctumand go downstairs,open the hidden wallvia thehidden lever(Perception Check). Now you canenter the Underdarkand get right into theSelunite Outpostwhere the helmet...
therefore our melee weapon isn’t that important.Roah Moonglowis selling a+1 Longswordinside the Shattered Sanctum in the Goblin Camp. If you do not see the weapon in her wares, then take a Long Rest and return to the Roah. This should reset her items, and the Longsword+1 should appea...