Best BG3 Sorcerer Build. Baldur's Gate 3 High Damage Wild Magic Sorcerer. Best Race, Skills, Spells, Cantrips and Abilities.
Baldur's Gate 3 Best Storm Sorcerer Build. BG3 High Damage Storm Sorcerer. Best Race, Skills, Spells, Cantrips and Abilities.
Sorcerer Build – Wild Magic Wizard Build – Evocation School Paladin – Oath of Ancients More Baldur’s Gate Guides & Builds About the Author:Alcast Alcast is a long-time gamer and specializes in build creation for certain games, especially MMOs. Alcast is most well known for his ESO (The...
Monk Build – Way of the Four Elements Monk Build – Way of the Open Hand Necromancer Build – Necromancy Fighter Build – Battle Master Barbarian Build – Berserker Warlock Build – Great Old One Cleric Build – Light Domain Rogue Build – Thief Sorcerer Build – Wild Magic Wizard Build –...
Their mastery over magic is not as strong as pure spellcaster classes like the Wizard and Sorcerer, but they are able to use magic to augment their Monk abilities and deal decent damage. Some of the Monk spells are renamed versions of normal spells, while others are completely unique to the...