vcpkg.json Version 2.2.3 - Patch 4 support Nov 3, 2023 Repository files navigation README GPL-3.0 licenseBG3_NativeCameraTweaks Native dll plugin providing several camera tweaks for Baldur's Gate 3.Nexus Mods pageRequirementsCMake Add this to your PATH PowerShell Vcpkg Add the environment...
Which I guess is a really long way of saying that I still have lots of issues with party movement as of patch 9, but none of them feel unfixable or to require a complete overhaul of Larian’s party movement design philosophy. I mean, yeah, they could come up with a series of convolu...
the game works with only the /bin folder being reverted back to patch 6 files, but if you encounter issues or want to see the patch 6 version in your game again than you probably need to revert all files that got changes back to patch 6 files, so i included...
the longer I play the game the more I find all these things kind of boring too. The camping mechanics were fun when patch five was first rolled out, but now I just hit Auto select and find it boring trying to manage all the items in my Camp storage versus what I'm carrying on each...
As for the rest of the fixes, here are the Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 3 notes in full. Related: All Voice Actors and Their Characters in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) Mac Support With Patch 3, Baldur’s Gate 3 is now fully supported on Mac! As with the PC release in August, saves made...
Esri would like to remind our ArcGIS for Desktop / Server / Engine 10.2 users that a patch exists to fix an issue where the software crashes on launch when attempting to open shapefiles.The patch to fix this issue is available now for ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop, Engine and Serv...
Changes since launch have arrived in both the major patches and smaller hotfixes, with the latter meant to provide quick solutions to more critical issues. The library of changes made in Patch 3 can span everything from visual glitches to story flow issues, potentially smoothing over rough spots...
0001-sc_misc_board_ioctl-demo-u-boot.patch More 0 0 4,283 How to Change i.MX8X MEK+Base Board Linux Debug UART BiyongSUN NXP Employee 03-16-2021 07:41 PM The example is to change the i.MX8QXP MEK debug uart(lpuart0) to th...
i.MX8MM_evk_debug_uart4_rel_imx_5.4.70_2.3.0.patch How to Change i.MX8MM evk Linux Debug UART.pdf More 2 0 12.1K Overview of using the MIMXRT1170-EVK with MCUXpresso IDE lpcxpresso_supp NXP Employee 03-05-2021 08:16 AM Please find attached a document detailing various...
Supported Mods (Patch 7) Warning - We are still working out the kinks for modding the UI in the new Patch 7 process to prevent conflicts between mods. Expect there to be issues when running multiple UI mods in tandem. Discord Feel free to join theLarian Discordserver and discuss in the ...