This mask can be found in a locked Gilded Chest in Helsik’s room, upstairs in the Devil’s Fee in Lower City. Shade-Slayer Cloak When you are hiding, the Shade-Slayer Cloak reduces the number you need to hit with your Attack Roll in order to crit is reduced by 1. Make sure to ...
You can enter the Guilds Hall through a hatch in the Lower City. The Shade-Slayer Cloak applies the Stealthy Critical perk. While hiding, the number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking is reduced by 1. This effect can stack. You can find more cloak options on the BG3 ...
Once you have the pass to Lower City in hand, you’ll find the House of Grief at thetop northwest of the Lower Citymap. It’s just to the left of Baldur’s Gate waypoint, and right above Lady Jannath’s Estate. But once you’re inside, you’ll be faced with some pretty significa...
You can find Sharess’ Caress north of Rivington, the northmost part of the map right before the city of Baldur’s Gate. Wyrm’s Crossing is the area that Sharess’ Caress is inside of. You can get into Wyrm Rock Fortress from here by using Flight spells or by getting sent to jail ...
He will also give you an Admission Pass to the city. How to get to the top floor in Felogyra's Fireworkshop? When you reach the Lower City, head to the Fireworkshop located in the southeast part of the map. When talking to the vendor, convince him you were sent to the shop by ...
Highlighted the icon of the Lower City Pass in orange as an important story item. Removed the ‘Will break active Concentration’ warning on tooltips in contexts where it’s not relevant (e.g. looking at spell tooltips during Level Up). Volo’s trader map icon will now only appear when ...
The Markoheshkir Quarterstaff can be found in the lower city in Act 3 inside Sorcerer Sundries. Once you are inside you gotta make your way up to the Ramazith’s Tower through the blue portal. Once you are upstairs in the tower avoid conversation with Lorroakan. Now jump on the floating...
To get to the House of Hope you need to successfully perform the ritual to open the portal upstairs in the Devil’s Fee house in the lower city. Be prepared, tough fights ahead! Helldusk Boots The Helldusk Boots are very rare boots that you can acquire in Act 3. You cannot be forcib...
Before you do anything, you’ll first need to follow them and reach the city. The path to Baldur’s Gate is in the eastern-most part of the Shadowlands map, ahead of a waypoint aptly named “Road to Baldur’s Gate.” It’s right beside The Waning Moon Tavern. Follow through here, ...
The Dead Shotreduces the Attack Roll number needed to crit with the bow by 1, and doubles your Proficiency Bonus when attacking with the bow (effectively improving your accuracy). It is sold byFytz the Firecrackerin Stormshore Armoury, Lower City. ...