Improved Bardic Inspiration– Bardic Inspiration now gives a bonus of 1-8 instead of 1-6. GainExpertisein another two Skills you are Proficient with, doubling the Proficiency Bonus for those Skills. You get to useMagical Secretsagain, allowing you to choose another two Spells from outside the...
The Potion of Angelic Reprieve and Restoration Faucet will now restore Bardic Inspiration for Bards who have the Font of Inspiration feature. Umberlee’s wrath for stealing the treasure from the Offering Chest is more… visible now. Mol’s eyepatch is now highlighted when you toggle the world h...
do a bit of everything in Baldur's Gate 3, but they still need to catch up to most of the other class choices. They simply aren't good enough to excel in any aspect of gameplay, as they are incredibly mediocre in combat, and their unique Bardic Inspiration die isn't very ...