Raging Barbarians deal more damage with their attacks, but will be unable to use some Actions while in this state. The Rage lasts for up to 10 turns, but will end if a full turn passes without your Barbarian either dealing or taking damage. You can also choose to end the Rage early. ...
You might think that these abilities would come at the cost of some damage output, but this doesn’t seem to be the case, because many of the Battle Master Actions also deal 1d8 bonus damage when they hit their target. With this subclass, you can be a commanding presence on the battle...
Made several improvements to the Poltergeist enemy: they are now revealed on being attacked or hit with Radiant Spirit Guardians; they will not turn Invisible again if they are still in a character’s See Invisibility aura; in Balanced and Explorer Mode, they have disadvantage on Dexterity Saving...