This first mod allows players to purchase different camp clothes sets (including shoes) and underwear from merchants spread across the game in the first two Acts. This is a handy mod if you want to start customizing your camp outfits straight away, as you don’t really get a chance to do...
The most obvious addition is the Magic Mirror, a device which you can find at your camp. It’ll allow you to change your character’s physical appearance, pronouns and trouser contents, though not their species. You also can’t change your companions’ appearance, or your own if you’ve ...
Fly: This can be used to reach hard to get to places or change positions in combat. Black Hole: This power creates an area-based effect that pulls in and slows targets. It’s particularly useful for crowd control, allowing you to cluster enemies together for area-of-effect attacks or to...
“Clothes” don’t count as armour, so you can still wear anything that isn’t classed as Light, Medium or Heavy Armour. You can also still equip simple weapons and then do unarmoured attacks with for example Flurry of Blows for example. You also already get access to an extra attack ...